Thursday 17 April 2008

At Work

Work is lame Im at work at the moment, Bored out of my head, today has been weird and work is helping me get away from it by telling me to stack shelves with really useful boxes they are really really bloody annoying they are large and they don't take to long to put out but customers don't seem to understand that a 4 litre box are not meant to go in the 2 litre space and that the 9 litre boxes are not designed to be put inside an 84 litre box and left there!!!!!!!!

So this quick and easy task becomes a mission of sorting out boxes, also the way they open is not logical but more on that later as I'm on drink break and only can do this because I cracked the works blocking system...

hehe ^_^


Fritzy said...

Still think that those boxes need smilie faces...