Wednesday 23 April 2008

Best conversation today so far

Fritz says:
i ish doing chemistry else i go boom and my life crumbles some more

Dex says:
ooooooooh scary

Fritz says:
actually no... something more dramatic
imagine a big mountain or the alps and then a huge avalanche*
and all you have to defend yourself with is a plunger
better start plunging!

Dex says:
or even better you could call upon the mighty plunger king suckertron

Fritz says:
true true and all you gotta do is give it your underwear and it'll grant you one wish and aid you in sucking stuff

Dex says:
what will yo get suckerton to suck first?

Fritz says:
white stuff 

ever so slightly edited to make coherent sense to the rest of the world.
I got to be bold and she's all slanted

Fritz makes me chuckle inside which makes me happy ^_^ 


Fritzy said...

Love how it can be oh so innocent and yet oh so perverse at the same time :'D

I mean, you're surrounded with white snow, what else is there to suck *wink*.

The king doesn't give back your underwear either.

I guess that's what the plunger is meant to protect?
