Thursday 10 April 2008


Im still in bed, I'm so lazy, I wanted to get out of bed a while ago but the dogs where lying on me and although they are not exactly huge they did look really cute when asleep and didn't want to disturb them. 

But today I have to get money out for saturday and bug someone, as I have been reminded this morning, I shall try not to forget.

The last few days since like friday have been Jam packed and I havn't really had time to think or anything, I want today to be just as busy, but I need to speak to someone else about that first. 

As much as I love holidays off college they don't ever feel like holidays as I spend more time running around sorting things out and spending time with people because its the only chance I get without having to be working on my courses, I have decided I hate where I work and that I want to leave as soon as possible, alright its easy and well paid but I really don't like retail at all I want to work for myself so we shall see how far that goes, also I'm going to start writing a musical album that will be fun and exciting.

Moomoopeekaboo, I doubt thats your real name, and I doubt you read this but thank you your email was just at the right timing, made me realize all days are not meant to be great and that it is still a working week in other parts of the world. 

Thats all I can be bothered to do for now