Tuesday 3 June 2008

Goals for June

May Goals Where:
1)Come close to finishing Novel-I decided it was shit so yeah
2)Look for a mini.-Been looking
3)Be myself more.- Have been
4)Bring back the radio show.-FAIL!
5)Complete some work for a portfolio.-Done
6)Work on the pneumatics.-Done ordered some stuff
7)Smile more.-Done
8)Change someones life.-Done apprantly I change peoples lives everyday but I meant something a bit more constructive and I have I got aimee a Job her life will never be the same after working there.

I will try to set myself 10 Goals each month
SO June Goals:
1)Bring back the effing show, I seriously loved doing it but exams n stuff
2)Have a backup plan should A levels fail
3)Get a new job, the current one is killing my soul hopefully it will be o2
4)Book my driving test
5)Pass my driving test
6)Get a Car
7)Have edge of reason laid out
8)Start an internet magazine
9)Get an I-phone or have money ready in future
10)Arrange the camping trip and one massive gathering.

Yeah, I can tick that box ^_^