Sunday 29 June 2008


I hate holidays, I would rather spend two weeks off at home than spend two weeks in a foreign country that you would rather not go to...

Now If it where a place I wanted to go to I would enjoy myself and forget about all the things that bug me on holiday. I don't enjoy my families company first off, their idea of fun is simply not the same as mine or what they do on holiday I do in my everyday life, so just don't see the point of travelling to another country to do it. I also get a sensation that I have left a socket on at home and as stupid as this sounds to someone with OCD being 3000miles away from the said plug socket is annoying as hell. I won't have my dogs with me, I sit with them every night and talk to them and play with them without that routine I will be driven insane. If I get a bathroom I don't like I will be driven insane again by OCD I hate showering in the shower after someone else has used it or if it not my shower let alone if 1000s of people have used it in the past. And then theres the packing its bloody stressful you need another 2weeks off just to get over the packing. Basically to me holidays are stressfilled OCD fests so why would I want to go on one?

To please my mother...