Monday 28 April 2008

Msn intros

*signs in*

*opens conversations*
*types to all conversations "cheese monkeys will rull zis werld and zay will zither yee!!!!!!!!"*
*watch results and paste them on blog*

-Dex/Jeff- says:
cheese monkeys will rull zis werld and zay will zither yee!!!!!!!!
Fritzy says:
-Dex/Jeff- says:
Fritzy says:

-Dex/Jeff- says:
cheese monkeys will rull zis werld and zay will zither yee!!!!!!!!
gav says:
im too young to be zithered!!
-Dex/Jeff- says:
no your not your just about the right maturity 

-Dex/Jeff- says:
cheese monkeys will rull zis werld and zay will zither yee!!!!!!!!
Isuzu says:
But cheese monkeys are created from intergalatic space cows, and I shall sieze control of said space cows and thus I shall indirectly rule the world. Hence I shall not be zither-ed ;D
-Dex/Jeff- says:
:-O how dare you take control of the space cows they are ze best species in ze universe !!!!!
Isuzu says:
HA, see my plan is flawless ;D
*evil manical laugh*
-Dex/Jeff- says:
*screams like a girl and tells space cows your plan*

*space cows attack yee with ze stick of doom*
Isuzu says:
HO NOES, not teh stick of doom!!

*snaps stick of doom and runs away* 

Hell hath no fury like a space cow whos stick of dooms been snapped
-Dex/Jeff- says:
RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! they gunna eat yoU!!

-Dex/Jeff- says:
cheese monkeys will rull zis werld and zay will zither yee!!!!!!!!
Scarf says:
zither hardly, but i will spray lynx on the monkeys to eradicate their powerful stench
-Dex/Jeff- says:
evil monkey mudreer!!!!!!!!!!
Scarf says:
they are no ancestor of mine and i don't like cheese
-Dex/Jeff- says:
Scarf says:
it's disgusting
-Dex/Jeff- says:
Scarf says:
mwu ha ha ha
-Dex/Jeff- says:
evil non cheese eating monkey murderer!
Scarf says:
the best out of them all :)
-Dex/Jeff- says:
mmm debateable ^_*
Scarf says:
shock horror! who could be a better evil non cheese eating monkey murderer?
-Dex/Jeff- says:
the french
Scarf says:
but the french love cheese to bits they make more of the stuff than anyone else
-Dex/Jeff- says:
i know but they murder themsleves all the time
Scarf says:
nah they'd give up too easily
-Dex/Jeff- says:
true true maybe we should set some kind of rabid animal on them...