Monday 28 April 2008

A small but nice rant


Can people please stop playing social politics, they are all your friends, talk to each other, what ever has happened before in relationships ,arguments or even what someone has said or supposably said, if you want to maintain friendships and generally being content with yourself. 

Im not saying you should ignore everything, Im not saying you should argue more about stuff, Im not saying you should sit down and talk about it.

Im saying you need to decide what's best, you need to rebuild friendships, you need to spend time with people.

If you don't you will lose one of the greatest things in life. Friendship.
Without friendships you will go through college, work and life in general never wanting to be there never truly happy. Please listen to me and work at things.

You know you are guilty of social politics everyone is, even me, so I'm not the perfect person to be saying this but then no-one is and I don't want to see people hurt themselves or themselves by things that can maybe be fixed, you know where I am, email me if you need to talk, show everyone this entry, make yourself happy.


Fritzy said...

Was gonna type summat else but it seemed pointless in the end. But, aye.

I also think a lot has happened recently and lots more to come - exams too. So, things have gone all over the place and are being spread in the shadows of one sharp knife.

All I can say is. If people wanna ask something, just ask. If people wanna say something, just say it.

Sure, we might not all be brilliant and close friends with every person in the group, but as an individual far more than others think is noticeable and plus, we're year 12. We've been alive for quite a while, should be able to dig up some maturity.

Again, waffle. Better than what I was originally gonna post. Waffles are good.

Especially Belgian ones *drool*.

*goes back to entertain self in another way which is not related to blogging*