Sunday 1 June 2008


It will be released at the conference on the 9th likely to on sale shortly after, I WANT ONE DAMMIT, I want one before I want a car and my dad is offering to lend me money for both if I get the 02 job as well as paying for my test which is awesome, he asked me what I was doing online and I was writing my blog and he read the one about art with my sister and said I had grown up a lot more than he thought and hadn't realised everything random thing I was doing recently had a purpose in the long run, I think I may have earnt his respect and he is realising how much the above items mean to me as well as will make my goals easier he also respects my Ideas about moving out and not staying a Brighton for the four year course only the first year I think this is amazing but I don't want to take the piss and would rather wait than push myself too far and end up owing more than I can afford.

So lets just hope I get the job.