Wednesday 23 July 2008


Damnit just when im getting use to things something always slaps me in the face I now need a job a lot more! I need to change my job because I'm second in line to be made redundant which sucks majorly, I can't risk getting a car without a viable income first but I also don't want to work full time over summer I was hoping to do overtime over summer at staples while people where away but thats not going to happen now is it? DAMN!

Im angry annoyed and upset all in one, I was going to buy a mini until this happened and now I cannot risk insuring it or anything because I will only lose it, I'm soo annoyed I just want a job surely it can't be that hard to get one can it?

Anyone sees any jobs please fire them at me I will do anything for the moment I just need a job.


I have thursday to look forward to though I suppose