Saturday 22 March 2008

Friday post just abit late

A poem for everyone I know I hope everyone can relate to one.

Ever had the feeling that:

everything is falling apart around you?
everything you do is a mistake?
everything is too complicated?
everything hates you?
everything is there to upset you?

you have wasted your life?
you will never see that special person again, because now it is too late?
you will never meet someone special?
you will never be accepted?
you will always be laughed at?

your just a friend?
your being used?
your an idiot?
your being lied to constantly?
your being used as a game piece?

they don't want to see you?
they are really stabbing you in the back?
they hate you?
they mean the world to you but you don't to them?
they are seeing someone else?

you want to hurt them?
you have nobody?
you want to cry but don't know why?
you want to be alone?
you will always be bullied?

someone always lets you down at the last minute?
someone has hurt you?
someone wants to kill you?
someone is treating you differently?
someone will never leave you alone?

your ugly?
your not needed?
your just a pain?
your being stalked?
your not loved?

everything works out?
everything happens for a reason?
everything is too simple?
everything loves you?
everything is there to help you?

you have completed a hard task?
you have great memories?
you have the greatest person alive?
you have made friends?
you have made someone laugh?

your their best friend?
your help, made their day?
your knowledge made them smarter?
your always told the truth?
your in control?

they love you being around?
they are hurting themselves?
they want you?
they are just friends but you mean more to them?
they don't want to see anyone else?

you want to make them happy?
you have great friends?
you want to smile and don't care why?
you want to be around friends?
you are better than the bullies?

someone wants to see you but cant?
someone wants to make you happy?
someone needs you alive?
someone really cares about you?
someone is in love with you?

your face is a painting on a wall?
your presence makes people happy?
your personality makes people smile?
your smile makes someone happy?
your the world to someone?