ok i must share this with the world
toasted bourbons with ham around the outside are offically amazing!!
I am now 18 and have found that sure i have added responsiblity and i dont really like it at all
but ive also found these strange sensations to do things solely because i can like buy alcohol and other interesting things i found this when i turned 16 having never wanted to put the lottery on in my life i did solely because i can
why do i do this?
just because i can i want to do stuff ive never done before is this wrong now i can do almost anything?
im not really sure i hope i do soon though
Sunday, 24 February 2008
im sorry ive been away for a while but my router kindly decided it wanted to explode
so I couldn't get online for abit damn technology
all I can say for this short return to internet before I replace my router is this half term was the best and I may be away for i while but i will return stronger and more able to write stuff
hopefully that will be later today
but im not sure toodles
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Boredom flourishes too, when you feel safe. It's a symptom of security. ~Eugene Ionesco
The war between being and nothingness is the underlying illness of the twentieth century. Boredom slays more of existence than war. ~Norman Mailer
Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time. Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face. ~Charlotte Whitton
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. ~Dorothy Parker (Thanks, Kaitlin)
Boredom is a sickness the cure for which is work; pleasure is only a palliative. ~Le Duc de Lévis, Mémoires
only boredom can make me think
Saturday, 16 February 2008
WOO NO 3!!
This is a blog from Jeff
because im cool this blog will be in 10 parts
I need to learn to drive and get a car
Reason 1: Im lazy
Reason 2: theres a fine line between riding fast to keep warm but freezing your fingers with the cold wind and riding slow and your whole body freezing
Part 7: half term next week and im very busy so i should have plenty to talk about wooooo!
Part 8: I want to write a script for a sitcom/stage/stand up thingy anyone else let me know!!!
Part 9: Im running out of ideas for things to say 10 was just a round number and seemed like a good idea at the time
Part 10: oh yeah!
oh could you show me where the clipboards are?
yeah sure they are right behind you
i was tempted to say *no because if you dont know how to use your eyes how can you use one?*
but i didnt so yeah thats it for now i really should write something more structured but so far ive been busy most days
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Just a quick one today as i'm really really really busy
i hope it was good and fun i will try to get a new blog up tommorow and maybes a video
*cues ooohs*
bye for now
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Turning 18 and realationships
Hello and welcome to invisible Jeff's Blog
my aim will be to update at least every otherday if not everyday with something remotely exciting and interesting but that's unlikely
i start this blog today in a lot of confusion about one particular thing in my life but its unfair to speak of that here instead I will say I turn 18 in exactly a week at first the idea of being an adult sounded great and all the extra freedom next to no restrictions left on my life I am as free as a human gets.
sure I can now buy anything I want do anything I want and openly say things in conversation but that means I have to be responsible concise and mature. which is not something that I like to look upon and think about of course I approach everything I do professionally and try to think about everything I say not to offend people but before I wasn't expected to do it but next week I will have to. I like being me with my outbursts, randocity *is that a word?* and generally child like behaviour,
being young at heart keeps me happy simplicity makes me even happier like realationships .... why cant they just be simple I mean really what do most people look for in a realationship?
someone you enjoy your time with?
someone you like spending time with?
someone you care about?
someone who you can be affectionate with?
someone who feels the same?
but people bring other stuff into the equation and make it complicated im not sure what should matter and maybe I never will but I hope somebody can work it out and tell me what is important and what does matter in a relationship because I really don't have a clue I suppose the list above is just my list and not other peoples.
so comment tell me what matters to you about relationships and how you would feel about turning 18 let me know what you think.