Dex finally blogs he has been busy today however, Started off with me in bed whilst Fritz masterbated my dogs not true but all stroking should be named masturbating for comedic effect. Then Gav text me saying he was home from New York and wanted to go see him there and then, I had no idea what it is like wanting to speak to your best friend when he's the other side of a rather large pond but now I do and it sucks, but I decided as soon as he text me even If I had to drag Steff there later I am going to see him today but I had to attempt to fix Fritz's laptop before I could as I had promised I would, unfortunately turns out the problem with means I'm not capable of fixing it safely and its best to pass it on, I wouldn't like to ruin her laptop even more unless I need to. Then Fritz was happy to go see Gav as was I and we bugged Lizmcsaur to join us and she did, after a while we left his and moved towards mine where nemo joined us.
Round mine started as a tidy fest whilst I tidied the stuff in my loft, its a lot neater now. Then my brother and sister joined us all and challenged us to playstation. Burnout has to be the best game in the world it requires no skill and is great fun, the main idea is to crash, which is insane when 6 people take turns to cause the largest amount of damage possible. Then everyone slowly left for home when me and steff where left here, with my brother breathing down our necks, its another reason as to why I want to leave, personal space, its not like we had planned anything but its just nice to spend some time together hugging and chatting without people listening in.
But now I'm sat here looking forward to the weekend. Saturday will be spend at work and most likely Steff's, Sunday at home revising and editing videos ready to be uploaded, and then Monday a gathering with as many people as I can gather, before my long week of revision and work. Today is also what I want summer to be like come and go as pleased, with differing people, just hanging out.
Outlook is finally working so I can get all this stuff sorted next week, along with everything else next week I may not blog much as I will be sorting out everything going on in my life, I plan a few scheduled posts so you know what I'm up to and why I'm not around, but next week is mostly revising and sorting out my life, if you need to get hold of me or just want to chat email at I will most likely be at my laptop just not signed in MSN or anything.
Friday, 30 May 2008
Thursday, 29 May 2008
I passed the phone interview for 02 so happy! Got a face to face interview next Wednesday actually looking forward to it, I really really really want this job.
I will do anything I can to make myself perfect for that interview seriously everything I can will be done.
I need to sort out my personal emails kill a few and redirect emails to preferably two emails, I will set up one email for personal emails and msn and another for companies to email such as bebo, myspace and bbc etc
This way I can set everything up in outlook, if I use googlemail, everything will be in one easy space, in the next day or so I will email everyone of my contacts with my new msn and personal email its likely to be inivisible.jeff one and you wont need my company one, also this means you will need to add me for msn under the new address which I will mail you shortly. this also means that my existing email will be forwarded if I can.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Nemo just rang me
hi Dex I just got attacked by 20 year olds
Where are you?
*thinking shit I will go help you if I can*
I'm walking home now
You ok?
*still thinking shit*
Yeah fine
*thank fuck for that*
They attacked me with yoghurt
yeah they had three threw two at me missed and had to dodge the last one
sure your OK?
Yeah fine but they chased me a little
your OK though?
Yeah anyways bye
But nemo you really are the only person I know that can
A) get attacked with yogurt
B) phone me just after
C) make my day with insane phone calls
Please don't stop
you make me chuckle lots
For people that are not sure I'm Italic with my thoughts *like so*
and nemo is bold
^_^ nighty now
Im tired?
This is the first time I have been tired all week, in case you where wondering I decided against going to work as I couldn't move around properly and still can't which sucks. I will be going to work tommorrow but that's just the evening so that's not so bad and it's not so long then friday, I'm tempted to arrange something but If I'm honest I would rather spend some quality time with Steff and spend the day revising or writing. I will arrange something for a friday shortly and we should have an absolutely massive rave ready for the last exams like that friday just spend the entire day in Horsham park and relax with the best people in the world, my friends. If I have anything to do with it summer will be insanely awesome and very memorable, anything you want to do tell me and I will try to make it work.
I have decided I really want the o2 Job more than I have ever wanted any job before and now I have more purpose behind it, rather than it being something I want to try and enjoy. Ultimately I will need for my ideal situation later on in life the more practice I get at selling now even if to just general customers the better I will be later on in life at selling my products to corporate company's and will give me a new experience on sale techniques so I can decide what methods are most effective, so the interview tomorrow had better go perfectly meaning I will actually prepare for an interview for the first time in my life. I'm not sure when I find out If I get the job or not but I really hope I do and its soon. Problem is I'm tied between being my normal energetic random self or if I should be very very professional over the phone, I think I will go for a mixture of the two, I guess they want someone professional but easy to talk to so that is what I shall try to give them.
I really should get some sleep now I shall blog before the interview tomorrow more than likely so talk to you then for now bye.
Outlook madness
This is insane there is so many inputs for outlook contacts, I'm backing up all my contacts details in to one space so if anything goes wrong I can just get the details I need etc. But this is seriously insane but I shall fill it with as much info as possible for each person and set several annoying nicknames.
Ive only done one contact and already bored, I give up.
Poor attempt
Yeah its bad but its an attempt to make my creativeness come out of me My fingers are now multicoloured as I did it with oil pastels so I have funky fingers!
Paint relates to life?
My sister asked me what she should use to draw her picture with pens, pencils, paint or crayons. Simply I replied why not use all of them? As long as it looks good what does it matter what its drawn from?
Then it dawned on me. This is like life what does it matter what you do with it as long as you enjoy it? If we say a pen is an police officer, a crayon a vet, a pencil a engineer and paint a designer as long as they all form a nice picture or a nice life why don't you do all four? Of course you can't be a police officer and a vet at the same time there isn't enough time in the day, but for me a writer, designer, engineer and salesman. I could combine all four and more sure I would have to do it on my own most likely but why not? I know if I really want to do something I can do it, I will draw up a long term business plan over the next few days, It will take hard grit and determination to get where I want to be, I know where that is. One day I want to be looking at houses to develop, the next sat in a garage designing an engine then the following two days sat in a design studio working with a team and then to finish the week off I will be writing for my latest screenplay. Then spending the weekend working at a radio show. There is no real reason why I cannot do this.
Everyone is a piece of art made from all different pieces of medium, Its just a matter of
working out what your art is made from and piecing it together.
My back is killing me I got work in three hours, I don't want to go but most likely will, I really shouldn't I will be moving stuff around with a bad back but what they don't know can't hurt them can it? I don't like working there I am setting myself a target to have left or have a job lined up by the end of June. I would love to get the o2 job but I don't decide that I need to leave as soon as possible, Its driving me insane, they don't pay me properly, Its boring, I can get a better job, the hours are annoying as hell and they are losing money and need to cut costs, all together staples is a shit place to work, I advise against working there for all of the above reasons.
I'm going to have a shower and see how my back feels after that, I know I shouldn't go I don't like going but there are some things in life that suck my job is one of them. However I need the money in order to pay for driving amongst other things, I need a break on the job front then I will be fine and I can do what I like, everything seems to be a depressive circle of late and I need to break the chain somehow, changing job is the first part of my plan.
I don't see what Sir Alan Sugar saw in Michael, he is a complete bullshitting pratt that can only be used for one thing lying to clients which will only lead to more shit as it is. I would never even consider employing anyone like him, he is a complete waste of time, sure he is young but he has had ten weeks to learn clearly he cannot sell regardless to what he says. I can sell better than him, he is based on a hard sale which gets you nowhere when you are dealing with clients that sell for a living they require a soft honest approach to selling or you will just push them further away, I would be surprised if he can even sell a mobile phone to a business man.
I don't really see anyone on that show as a perfect salesperson or an ideal person to employ but Alex and Claire are defiantly the most capable within an organisation so one of them should get the job the nearest person after that is Lee he can sell incredibly well but he is too full of himself and would not survive in an environment like that as he has very poor people skills unless he is selling to them. Helen will pass the buck and has absolutely no skills whatsoever that can be used. The older woman who I can't even remember her name at the time of writing will only moan if something goes wrong, when something goes wrong in business or generally in life sat there saying oh yeah its because such and such did this wrong will not help you especially if it was actually your decision, In life you need to see your mistakes, see the groups mistakes and deal with them as and when you do notice them not sit there and moan about it, she can't sell but she can manage.
Basically If I was Sir Alan I would Hire Alex or Claire or fire everyone and not employ any of them.
My rant about the apprentice is over now.
I've been writing longer posts of late expect this to be maintained along with the short ones, I decided a large amount of short posts was just annoying myself.
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Yeah I think because of this I want to do more hand to eye art digital art is amazing but not quite the same as drawing it by hand of course that means I need to get paint etc etc. But I will deal with that another time, I also like drawing with others maybe a day one a week or everyother week in which artists met up over summer and draw or paint throughout the summer? Then sell art for something? Or get a gallery to buy it and call it the summer collection? That sounds like clothing, I need to sort out the clothing store, need to make profit from it somehow.
On a note with MSN, AIM, Skype or any instant messenger if you constantly fail to provide any decent conversation you will find yourself blocked you will still be able to contact me by email however. But seriuously how far can a conversation go?
Person A: Heya
Person A:How are you?
Me:Ok yourself?
Person A: Good thanks
Me: awesomeness
Person A: cool
I'm not saying that you can't start a conversation with that but when that conversation takes two hours and that's all you ever say to me YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME! FUCK OFF! Just please don't waste my time, if you do from now on you will find yourself blocked, until I decide to give you a chance to speak.
I'm spending less time at my PC recently anyway so it's unlikely I will block many people so just email me if you want to speak to me, I will respond when I can.
Glowsticks babay!
So tempted to click that awesome buy now button but yet my common sense stops me but it looks so pretty and glow sticks are official awesomeness.
I mean come on who doesn't like to play with them?
Edit: the picture isn't clear even though its a screen dump but that is 50 6" Glow sticks for £20
Today was awesomeness.
Just a general muck about in the park, that sounds so childish, directing Nemo around Crawley town even to a shop that had been closed for 6months. Basically he called we directed him to Burger king then we moved on and hid below him and directed him towards Ice in a bucket which has been closed for ages, thinking he would remember that it had been closed but no, he didn't he took everyone else to the shop whilst Fia, Liz and I looked on and laughed at his stupidity. Gave him the Gay fish king hat. Talked about a blind guy who clearly was also tone deaf as he was playing the accordion very badly and made jokes about his well being including one where he had been chained to his bag and forced to work for Marks and Spencers otherwise his children would be eaten and his "blindness" was a ploy to earn more money out of sympathy, whereas his eyes had really just been temporarily glued together.
Then After a wander we sat down in the park and took the piss out of nemo and his hair. MY HAIR IS FECKING ROCK HARD! Attacked each other with any spray we could find and sprayed lots up and down the girls tops so Fia and Liz have gone home with their breasts smelling of lynx and hairspray...
hehe ^_^
Shame some people couldn't come today and that I left the park stupidly early but there's always another time.
1 hour
I had an amazing dream about the edge of revenge my almost animé screenplay, I have written most of it down into word. I think I will enjoy writing that one more than white shadows by far, the way in which these come to me is very strange yet enjoyable.
I have one hour to be in town with peoples, yet the mother is still not back from, yeah. Just realised I don't want to ensue panic so leave that there, basically she's not here can't leave the siblings here on their own. I doubt she will make me late too much as I will just ride into town, Its only 5minutes by bike, though on Aimee might take a bit longer seeing as she takes a while to get it up. ^_* Maybe even come back here later and wow peoples with my sexy, sexy speakers and like sex them up some more with an amazing mix of some sorts.
How many people read this say I if you do don't even have to leave your real name, Please comment on the blog as much as you like, in fact I would prefer to get replies back.
Random name, so sue me it's my blog/diary/whatever.
Today will be awesome I'm meant to be in town in 11 hours time, relaxing with 80% of my best friends, some of them are away, even if it rains our spirits will not be dampened we need fun and we shall get some!I miss my closest friends which is why I have only really invited people close to me and people I want to get closer too, because they are official awesome.
I've also named my screenplay well one of the four. White shadows for the horror one. The general jist of this story is "DON'T GO IN THE SHADOWS!". Tomorrow I will work on the other ones, I've decided I will write four at once as this will give me flexibility to vary what I want to write and hopefully give me four things to sell come the end of summer.
Monday, 26 May 2008
An observation
When you call people arseholes, technically you mean they are useful if we didn't have arseholes you would become very ill very quickly, so I guess the world needs arseholes to continuely function so really bad people have a purpose in life...
though they do get to deal with the shit.
For the first time in my life, I want to revise.
Yet deep down I know I tell myself revision is pointless, It truly is I don't really learn anything by it and haven't learnt anything over the past 2 years I could have taken these exams 2years ago and still got the same results so it really has been a complete waste of my time. Now I'm not even sure I want to go to university, well I do want to go to university just not to do engineering, maybe In two months time I will definitely want to do engineering but I'm just not sure that's where I see myself in ten years time or even five, right now I want to experience the world before I settle down, I want to know what is in the world, what there is to do and what I enjoy, I have tried a lot in my life but realistically I haven't even reached one percent of what is really out there. I know I will never be able to see everything I won't live long enough, I just want enlightenment really, that will make me happy.
Its a shame the British schooling system is so bad and is very outdated since when would you in real life be set an essay to write in a set time limit in real life? I just think they should be applied to more realistic subjects and even layouts of exams should be changed, social skills are not taught nor is common sense two of the most important things needed in life. Also the British system does not give you very broad knowledge of the outside world you are just pushed into a box, well I don't like being forced into a box so I hope university is different.
He's only been away like a few hours but I miss him already...
And I'm gunna miss becky soon as shes in bloody Italy :(
I'm going to write a screenplay.
"As a spirit haunts a hotel it reveals the truths that are hidden within."
or perhaps
"As the students go though college they discover sex"
That is all I shall say for now.
But I have my two story lines that I will work on and decide which one is best.
One is a horror and the other comedy clearly I can have more fun writing the comedy but maybe its too thin on ideas.
Either way I have ideas ^_^
Creatively I'm currently dead...
Completely dead I can't even work on old images and finish them off without getting bored, I need inspiration, I need something to make me sit back and go wow, I want to write, draw or record about.
Nothing is hitting me in the face, the internet is a great place but you have to know what you are looking for to get what you want, what if you don't know what your looking for? Its similar with jobs if you are looking for something specific you will find it but if you want to try something new and exciting you don't know where to look, its insane!
I just need something that inspires me, surely it can't be that hard, I have scrapped the other novel I was writing, I have even binned it, It was crap, It had no purpose, maybe I have a few ideas for the a new one to write which I will start over the next few days but I will actually plan this one out to get a decent story rather than drivel.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
I need to use summer as a way of getting a job I like and want to do, something creative and enjoyable rather than a 9-5, but first I need that 02 Job really want to try it out and I think I will enjoy myself there and that's the most important part about a job no offence staples but working there sucks
I don't really regret anything, I mean anything, but I regret going to sixth form, I should have left for a college. I'm glad I still met the people I did and I can't say I have gained much from sixth form. I will miss college life but sixth form life is completely different, I don't talk to anyone there really, I don't have much in common and none of them know anything about me, I guess that's the way I like to work, without people knowing much but I regret going there, even if I hadn't gone to collyers. I would have been a happier person over the last few years of my life. Sixth form is not for everyone, certainly not me!
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Yaaaay mini Dex's on the way!!!
I want rice, because I have an urge.
I have morning sickness aka laziness.
and I HAVE A BIG BELLY!-I wish.
I have 14 genie sims need to go let me know if you want one you can keep your number and you will get 300 free texts per month for £10 top up at least 500 if you top up £20
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Wowzer, what a strange name for a blog about my day....
Thanks Gav seriously it made my day and nemo sorry but it was all light humored
Ant, Ben and Jess are official awesomeness!
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
I want to be a lesbian, yes a female lesbian I shall explain in a video ^_^
tell me what you want to do over summer!
*yush that does include you jocy even if you live far away you can be involved*
I'm making a list of stuff to do and going to do it throughout summer so everything is awesome!
Comment here....
Email me...
Msn me...
*explodes with excitment*
Monday, 19 May 2008
I have your ribbon! Just found it in my pocket mine forevers! mhahahaha
*pure shock* what the blue one? I had wondered where that went lol. well you gave it to me in the first place so you can have it, i could be really mean and say i have your boxers hehe. But i dont which defeats the object
Yeah the blue one I am missing boxers so obvious you are just covering for yourself BOXER THIEF!!
Never *hitches trosuers up* i dunno what your on about honest im the queen of innocence me
You even nabbed my silk pair! I'm telling fia on you! Shel smack your bum and send you to bed
Too late! lol.. tattle tale i'll get the rulers of the playground to kick your ass. or get you with the stick of doom. you can choose your fate.
Not the stick of doom! Guess what?
yes the stick of doom! complete with blackcurrent harribo on the end.. what? lol mines easy have you seen the moon? its awesome and red
Ive been texting you naked in the bath! If you come after me with haribo I will scream!
I nicked your clothes when you wern't looking.. lets see you get out of this one sexai bum lol nah your no fun dead
*chases your round house naked whipping you with towel* ha! *catches you and strips you*
Ha I have more clothes on underneath lol unliek you... *takes photo and puts it on bebo*
and what is my ribbon doing in the bath with you?
I realise my bath is full of blood and panic!
I was emptying pockets for bath url get told off for putting them up ^_^
Shes awesome and I love her to bits ^_^ makes me smile always
you ever change I kill you with the stick of doom!
Today I may be getting a job I really want it even if the hours are really strange yet perfect for the summer shit otherwise.
I really should speak to new project people soon.
I've also decided that the job is the next thing on the list that I want to delve my hand of thought into phones....
Don't know a lot about them but I'm sure to learn very quickly, I enjoy working with customers and as good as my current job is boring and I don't get to deal with customers and stock isn't the most exciting thing in the world. So yeah I want that job at O2.
I want to spent more time with peoples in Horsham I have tomorrow off so can come down then if anyone else is around. We need to sort out summer a bit really before it is upon us.
*actually laughing*
Well that ruined my train of thought...
or at least get my current ones finished....
*all for now*
Sunday, 18 May 2008
New youtube channel wooo!
Yeah so this weekend has been great, The top ten has been talked about a bit so that's good.
I'm really bored and at a point where I want to start planning for things to do during the summer, last year was good without the arguments but I want a more of an aim this summer, I know a lot of my time will be spent with particular people because they will be leaving for other parts of the country. I'm also sure that the way in which we will do these will be interesting thinking of setting tasks and trying to complete them, maybe some kind of competition or such like.
Ummm *ruined train of thought by texting someone*
comedy sketch rather than diablo nemo?
I would also like to do some arty things and really experiment with new opportunities and ideas.
If you have any suggestions comment here ^_^
Summer will be good hopefully
So yeah
This weekend been really goooood!
Should be starting a new project soon,
Podcast will be back 100times better,
Currently dancing to POTD!
Anyways for now that's all, as I just want to go off and dance ^_^
My Top Ten
This weeks top ten is the first but they sure are good
See thingy below?
I've made it so you can listen to them so you know what songs I'm talking about
Have fun
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Yay for working on portfolio
Sounds stupid but I feel more professional with my new hair, even if I'm not sure I like it....
I feel like I can write more, draw more and arrange more.
I like it but don't.
*Back spasm interrupts stream of consciousness *
Oh yeah basically I get to see everyone this weekend but its a bit of a bitter sweet as It will be the last time until holidays which some may say its only a few weeks away but when I know they are free as am I its annoying as hell, I miss my best friends so much especially Gav, Fritz, Becky, Aimee, Nemo and Steff :( but I might see them tomorrow ^_^
Listening to 30 seconds to mars full volume, I didn't half go stupidly quick and riskai!
My day in quotes
"Where the fuck is my hair those bastards have cut it...oh yeah"-On waking up
"Lights out for a tenner"-On listening to last of the lookers
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I bet you to town and I left half hour after you!"-On out riding a bus and my mother.
"What about the I-phone?"
"Oh that's an idea"-On buying a new phone
"Well its £35 per month"-On the tariff
"Thanks for your time"-On leaving the shop
"Shame I didn't buy it but I will be back next month"-On buying an I-phone
"Thank you for your call you have made my day"-Talking to a guy at the BBC
"HOLY FUCK THATS A BIG WASP!"-On having a wasp next to my face
"Larger than mine?"
"yeah"-On Saturday's arrangements
"wonder if you would like to take part in a big project"
"thanks alex ^_^"-On speaking about a project
"OH SHIT!"-On should be at work soon
"haha"-On realising I don't have to be at work for a while
"Maybe someone ate them?"-On losing my shirt for work and Ipod
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG!!!!"-On listening to Linkin park
"See you later"-Speaking to my readers
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
FRITZ! an hair
Oh and for the rest of you I shall feed you pictures of my new hair ^_^
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Done so close yet so far many thanks to fritz for proofreading and editing ^_^
Insanely bored but after this I can relax for a week or so whilst I prepare for resvision then in just over a month no more exams yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
thanks for anyone who just left me be today to get on with work but welcome to a new word...
chesticles- you guessed it, it means boobs ^_^
lol nikki
bye for now
Heres where Im at at the moment
With Formula one being a highly competitive and scientific sport, teams are constantly developing their cars and the technology that creates them, the aim of this report is to convey the process currently in use in modern day formula one cars and the physical theories that provide the basis for these machines to be developed.
I need to have finished it all by tonight, also the thing I did yesterday should not be done with too good a razor it leaves this nasty thing known as a rash.....
Monday, 12 May 2008
Random music giveaway
Everyday I shall send out random songs from my itunes library maybe something I'm liking at the time or something completely random, If you would like to get this send me an email saying you want to opt in to also if you find music that I may like do likewise send me music, Have fun and email as soon as possible as the first one will be tomorrow.
Buggered wrist,
Spazming shoulder/rib cage,
Oh and a huge bit of my ankle missing....
anyone got a body for sale?
Its more difficult than I had hoped so I shall do it another day but I have re jigged the layout today a little please do poll to sideEdit: wow first edit ever!!!
For people like tam who don't know who tennant is ^_^
Im Creating
Sorry for the poor style at the moment and if you are looking at this and you see a mess it is because I am editing the templates to get a layout I a) like and b) have created I will post a blog when I am done hopefully by the end of tonight...
I did something
I did something today...
I'm kind of afraid of the backlash, but I feel a lot better and cleaner for it and soon I may even do my hair I want to get it cut like Tennant but going into a saloon and saying Tennant looks a bit stupid anyone know the actual name for the style of cut he has? If so please let me know, plus I have the added problem of not having much money to actually get it cut and I'm already asking the bank of mum and dad for some clothing that I need but seeing as they are moaning at me about both I figure they can't complain too much...
Still unable to do most things but back to my normal self and all it took was to look and listen to lots of music ^_^
I cannot wait until I get my mix finished its a bit insane in the first 5 minutes I pack in 15tracks!!!!
I will do an mp3 about an hour long, when it is done I shall post the play list but if you want to be sent the mix leave a comment
Sunday, 11 May 2008
I really don't fell like myself today...
Like really not like myself, which is not like me, maybe its just because I hurt but I can't help but think its something else.
I wanted to draw-couldn't
Go to park-Cant risk injuring myself.
Watch TV-nothing interesting
It basically means everything I want to do I can't, its really annoying, I miss people, I need my friends and her but well she is a friend, I MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Please send me music, any music, seriously any music, I want to open my eyes/ears to new music and very random styles of music either send me them at or add them to a sharing folder, I seriously mean anything send your whole library if you wish.
I'm ironing left handed this is taking a while...
If anyone can magic my hand better please do!
My wrist
=Severe Sprain
=Severe Pain
=Difficult to type
=Impossible to write
=Worried about moving it
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Dex/Jeff- says:
guess what?
-Dex/Jeff- says:
the game!
[[~fly away~]]:
[[~fly away~]]:
[Imi] says:
fuck youu
|| иємσ ||says:
tu juste perdu le jeu
-Dex/Jeff- says:
ooh you all wish ;P
Fill me
Internet is going to be killed it has not given birth to any decent ideas as yet...
Oh yeah
Juggleballs- hehe it means boobs
I made it up yesterday when I decided boobs needed to renamed ^_^
I'm doing that thing again where I sit here with my guitar and just play a resounding E note on the top string is sounds so good yet, I know what it means...
It means I'm bored shitless and would rather be shoving some kind of antelope up my rectum rather than sit on this chair staring blankly at a laptop screen surely there must be something better to do right now?
I would be diabloing (I don't care if its not the right term sue me) but my wrist is killing me, I really am beginning to dislike the digital world, sure its made my life easier may be getting me a few jobs now that I have pulled my finger out and this is blog. NO. I'm not calling it a blog this is my diary really just other people can read it. This is amazing and is making me smile day to day and really helping me get rid of him.
I just wish I had some inspiration to paint or draw, I love art, I have told myself after tonight I shall not write any more on the novel until after my English exam as It is distracting me a lot, So I will need something to take up the time, I'm beginning to collect photos for my walls/desk I'm going to cover everything up here with photos it will be great and hopefully inspire me, I want to draw a picture of someone naked anyone for offers?
Meh bored, need of creativity, need of naked people (preferably women) don't worry it will stay between us and I guess wanted to find something to replace PC time.
email me
Doctor who
Seems like a waste sat in the loft waiting for doctor who to be on BBC I-player but I don't care!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
FIRTISLE! *invents new word for damn*
I have eaten a pizza 2packets of crisp and a mars bar and I'm still hungry somebody kill the gremlin in my belly please!
I love these emails I get from Dj download solely based on the Images that come with them, If they are good enough I share them with the world If not I just ignore them, but this is gold and I want to go see this street just to see if there's any holes in the road itself that have been "fuked".
Sony know how to make adverts, though why wasn't I invited?
Diablos are really hard when they land on your head but Gav I can now do the cool trick where you catch on half the string yeah I'm bored been playing Diablo 2hours but it never bores me but have to come in now to eat as my belly says feed me Dex feed me!!!!
I managed to rescue it from the communist Chinese next door involving two long sticks in a chop stick arrangement now I can Diablo again ^_^
I have just made the best top in the world its genius, I will wait until you see it before I reveal what it is...
I also need for the summer:
2-4 pairs of Shorts
2-3 pairs of 3/4 lengths
5-6 summery tops
and a cool hat
I intend to convince bank of mum and dad to donate money towards the cause and go shopping soon ^_^
maybe big plans this friday keep your ears and email boxes and eyes open, though there might not depends if I can pull the strings in the next half hour or not...
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Novel time again
I'm going to kill someone i've decided and I have a target of 2000words by the end of the weekend ^_^ nighty talk tomorrow
When martians attack
-Dex/Jeff- says:
small erect martians are here to take over the world they tell me in their small voices that "we are ere to ake ova ze world with our small legs so we can breed pineapples to feed our race" what should i do?... duh duh duh!!!!
Cupcake man says:
EMBRACE THE SMALL ERECT MARTIANS help them mine the pineapples and then once they have enslaved the human race, stop their supply to them, unless they make u their ruler, then u hav an entire fleet at ur command and u can RULE THE UNIVERSE!!!!
-Dex/Jeff- says:
but they are martians they ish not stupid
Cupcake man says:
but ur smarter than the martians
create an anti-martian barrier across the globe then they cant enter
-Dex/Jeff- says:
ooooh what like a zapper feild
Cupcake man says:
yes, carefully tuned in to the frequency made by martians and all of their technology, but being able 2 let us pass through freely
-Dex/Jeff- says:
mhahahahahahahahahah we shall rule ze universe and eat their pineapples
Cupcake man says:
and then u can hav me as ur second in command D: then we can both use our abilities 2 rule EVERYTHING
-Dex/Jeff- says:
mhahahahahahahaha or just sit down and have a drink, relaxing in the sun?
Cupcake man says:
yes yes we can do that after the conquering the world
-Dex/Jeff- says:
small erect martians are here to take over the world they tell me in their small voices that "we are ere to ake ova ze world with our small legs so we can breed pineapples to feed our race" what should i do?... duh duh duh!!!!
kitty says:
(: you sausage.
give them some of your fridges parts.
-Dex/Jeff- says:
-Dex/Jeff- says:
small erect martians are here to take over the world they tell me in their small voices that "we are ere to ake ova ze world with our small legs so we can breed pineapples to feed our race" what should i do?... duh duh duh!!!!
buttery hands says:
LOL ur imagination never fails to amuse me
and u should feed them cake...tis much better :P
-Dex/Jeff- says:
but what if little martians are allergic to cake?
buttery hands says:
pie then
-Dex/Jeff- says:
what kinda pie?
buttery hands says:
apple and mango
with orange sauce
-Dex/Jeff- says:
-Dex/Jeff- says:
small erect martians are here to take over the world they tell me in their small voices that "we are ere to ake ova ze world with our small legs so we can breed pineapples to feed our race" what should i do?... duh duh duh!!!!
Fritzy says:
walk up to them, put a yellow ferret with a leaf in their face and shout "YOU GOT IT WRONG MORON HERE WE HAVE PINERETS" then turn around and walk off in a huff leaving them confused so much that they leave and take the ferret with them...
it'll only be a few billion years until they realise, by then the sun will have eaten up this planet anyway so we're safe :)
-Dex/Jeff- says:
wooo we go boom with the martians kaaaaboooom!
Fritzy says:
brum brum broom!
Open your mind
I've decided I live too much within my bubble, even If a big bubble it needs bursting, so I'm going to try something new every week, not sure how I'm going to decide but yeah I'm bursting my bubble...
Fighting with wire are fecking awesome, Just heard everyone needs a nemesis by them anyone sees their CD's anywhere tell me I want them, Not many bands get my ears like that and they have to the point I would give up wombats for these guys
Damnit Im Disorganised
I need a car, preferably a mini - Am looking now.
I need to sort out my bank - Maybe I don't but they are annoying me.
I need to change opticians - but I can't find a good enough deal
I need to sort out my phone - but nowhere online is simple to understand
I need more money
But yet the summer is not letting me do anything except procrastinate and relax though it is helping my novel ^_^
Its really hot outside, I like it, I want to go outside and sit, relax etc etc but you know what, I might just go upstairs sit down and play music really loud because I can and no-one can stop me ^_^
Happy happy,
choo choo,
happy happy,
vrrrooom vroom,
happy happy,
tweet tweet,
happy happy,
twing twang,
happy happy,
beep beep,
happy happy,
swoosh swoosh,
happy happy.
Rice update
3020 this time round
want to do 1million by the end of the month
and will count down how much more I need in a counter when I have time to add one ^_^
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
*I don't really care if you read this, I either say it here or scream into your face, I just don't think you understand me anymore, I was being nice and saying I don't really have the money to waste but seeing as you took as me not wanting to spend time with you, I'm upset, hurt and annoyed, I like spending time with you but you just don't see it and that hurts more than anything...
Where am I?
I could be naked in bed with a woman....
I could be on the toliet....
I could be in the bath...
I could be at someones house....
I could be in your room...
I could be in a field...
I could be being eaten by whale...
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Saturday, 3 May 2008
I'm sorry if I have changed your life people...
But tell me how in the comment thing below
After a conversation with Cathy, I'm worried, hopefully its all good things but just in case you know and If I have or have not changed your life, comment anyway saying what you randolezers would like changed..
oh and tell others to comment they don't need an account anymore
*still have sore foot*
I managed to drop about 1/4tonne of paper on my foot today at work, needless to say its bruised....
and really sore
Friday, 2 May 2008
May Goals
Most of Aprils goals where vague and general life goals not specific to the month,
This month I will continue most of these goals and more:
1)Come close to finishing Novel
2)Look for a mini.
3)Be myself more.
4)Bring back the radio show.
5)Complete some work for a portfolio.
6)Work on the pneumatics.
7)Smile more.
8)Change someones life.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
I'm off to bed to explode parents don't seem to be backing down, I shall do my goals tomorrow because I'm no mood to do it now, I'm uber annoyed and upset, It's my life, I can do what I like and prioritise what I like in any order, I'm 18 not 4!
Just when I was feeling great about everything, having sorted everything out, feeling great about people, wanting to get things done and finally looking forward to seeing people, needing to see people, they come in and ruin everything great.....
I'm not even going to get to write today I'm just not in the mood.
Nighty people hopefully be in a better mood tomorrow....
I LOVE HER!! today we had a chat about someone and what I thought I should do and all she did was lick me and gave me a hug that was all I needed, Mojo was also there but for some reason the picture of him wouldn't load onto blogger but I shall fix that soon ^_^
I have got to start to getting ready for work or I shall be late but I have also not finished my product work, I would say I will bunk off but I can finish it tonight as there is not that much work left and even if there is I can just do until tomorrow morning, as I have such a short day tomorrow at college its not such a problem.
Guys that are coming to mine tomorrow please come armed with a series of musical tracks that you like we are going to try something out and if I can get it to work we shall produce it and distribute it to all the cool people around that we know, I will also sent you an email about it because no doubt one of you won't read this and then be in the dark about it.
Talk later.
Not good
Oh dear I can still feel my stomach being a fool, its been over an hour since I ate blackcurrant and taken the pills, but its still not feeling good I hope I feel OK ready for work later.
umm next party we must use my equipment I have an awesome idea that we will need a few other people with their own CDs.
I'm not allowed to eat them as they all contain blackcurrant (I just found out by eating one, *explodes*)
But I still have yorkie ^_^
Stopped working
I have stopped working for a break, I know I havn't been working long but
how awesome is that?
Must eat them...
*God I sound like a drug addict*
Starting to do work, so I put on radio one listen again and Instantly fed with The racuonteers
*turns up*
I think today should be a productive day and I'm going to have to do my goals for May today I shall hopefully have something more to say than, continue to not smoke, but that's doubtful as I'm pretty happy at the moment but more of that later.
I forgot to name it
Wrote a whole chapter last night.
and someone told me the truth last night but have only recently read it, thankyou, I wish I could give you what you want. you truly deserve it but right now, I'm not really in a position to give it to anyone and you are a friend, all I know is that the friends I want to spend the rest of my life with I will, they have no choice you are one of the select few so you will still know me in 5years, 15years and 60years time (If I have not accidentally killed myself by then *laughs*). Who knows what the future holds for me but I know it will involve you, Gavin, Scarf, Becky, Steff, Aimee, Nemo and Cat, in some form or another so HA your all stuck with me for life!!!!! *EVIL LAUGH*
(anyone puts me in a mental home I shall chase you down with my object and eat you alive, as soon as I convince them I'm sane and they let me out)