I have to do them tomorrow and I have no idea what I am going to do and looking at what I have not achieved with the current ones feel a bit of a lightweight, I think I may increase the amount I have to do even though it means more work, a lot of the reason I leave it is because I leave them because I think "it will be OK its not too much work" and the procrastinate until the end of the month and think bugger I messed that up...
Monday, 30 June 2008
I just hate it why is he staying here? It's so annoying I hate people I barely know staying in my room its just so strange, its bad enough sharing a room with a brother... of course sharing with "someone" is OK because you want them to be there but this is just annoying and my OCD self is getting the better of me in this case he's getting up at 4 so I most likely go to bed then which is only in half hour but then I do have to get up at half 8 so I should have gone to bed at like 1 and not sat down reading eating and typing really but oh well.
Now that I think about it I might as well not sleep but then I have no idea to what I will actually do If I don't, I could continue writing but I'm pretty sure I have exhausted my ideas on where to take the story.
I'm writing which is why I am still up in the last hour or so I have written 1000 words for the script which is amazing and really good, I feel like taking two weeks away from everything will slow down my progress on everything but I just decided I'm going to take a large wad of paper and pens, I'm also going to work on some graphics solely based at being put onto t-shirts and clothing so when I come back I have something to sort out launching a spreadshirt site along side a magazine and hopefully getting it published by a company willing to take it on.
He's still in my room...
Im up
I'm still thinking about her its so brilliant but annoying as hell, listening to sugarcult hehe
Miss her loads.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
I hate holidays, I would rather spend two weeks off at home than spend two weeks in a foreign country that you would rather not go to...
Now If it where a place I wanted to go to I would enjoy myself and forget about all the things that bug me on holiday. I don't enjoy my families company first off, their idea of fun is simply not the same as mine or what they do on holiday I do in my everyday life, so just don't see the point of travelling to another country to do it. I also get a sensation that I have left a socket on at home and as stupid as this sounds to someone with OCD being 3000miles away from the said plug socket is annoying as hell. I won't have my dogs with me, I sit with them every night and talk to them and play with them without that routine I will be driven insane. If I get a bathroom I don't like I will be driven insane again by OCD I hate showering in the shower after someone else has used it or if it not my shower let alone if 1000s of people have used it in the past. And then theres the packing its bloody stressful you need another 2weeks off just to get over the packing. Basically to me holidays are stressfilled OCD fests so why would I want to go on one?
To please my mother...
Jay z
Jay Z is a twat, if any of you have seen his set on bbc coverage you will have noticed that it is pure shit.
Jay Z is normally OK, but to open a set with wonderwall then 99 problems mixed into acdc back in black just no! Then it only gets worse prodigy smack my bitch up with him rapping pure shit over the top of it, I was about to hit close button but resisted thinking it can only get better...
PROVEN WRONG! he rants about the war etc etc and then says fuck bush, so now hes political!!?!?!?!?!
He did not deserve to be at glastonbury and shouldn't have been there ever.
Glastonbury is about live alternative music not poorly mixed dj sets with rappers looking like a retard.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
I'm so winning!
Only one person will understand that reference mahahahaha
Screw the rest of you..
Not literally its just a joke that a friend of mine come up with and its funny. I love you all really, platonic love of course...
Doctor who was awesome today like major awesome so yeah nemo you suck how could you not watch the most important episode live??!!??! Amateur fan, even Gavin watched it live and this is Gavin, Mr I hate anything that's not funny or deeply educational and serious, (Just joking guys, Gavin is awesome he just critic's everything but I have to admit is normally right) like this episode he has a brilliant point the actors like Sarah Jane, captain jack etc ARE EFFING SHIT AT ACTING!!!
Today rocked spent the day with the awesomer making cakes and generally messing about was awesome but will miss them lots when I go away.. how lame but I have the ribbon ^_^
That's all for now will most likely blog later about my war with the soldering iron and electrical devices.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Music fest-03
Gabriella Climi- Don't want to go to bed now
I like this its not brilliant but its still good.
Ladyhawke -Paris is burning
I love this song its so modern and relazing but is still something you can get your groove on to and dance to, oh the bass line sounds brilliant turned up.
Chormeo- Fancy footwork
Click here
I cannot post this as a video but it is very nice a bit daft punk meets 80s pop ^_^
Thats all i can be bothered to do for now as i got distracted by iplayer...
Yeah it begins in africa
title is a random quote from my dream last night or more likely this morning seeing as I went to bed at 1 I will write up my dream abit later as it was massive, but this blog is to say I got up an hour ago and am about to get into a shower to wash etc etc, I love being a student that has finished a course but and its a big but its fecking boring when everyone else is busy at college and stuff.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
My arm is very very very very very very very very very sore two holes from the jabs=heavy arm and sore wasn't this bad before...
Can I also say don't take my blogs to litterly, this on its own is a fairly depressive but I'm in such a good mood, I think I'm going to be able to talk to a close freind again, and yeah vibrating cows is making me smile lots.
So I am currently reading the search for the dice man and its just as interesting as the first book in the series, I would advise you read both very good and intelligent definatley fun and different.
I also bought three books today one for generalness and two for the holiday to cure bordem on both the plane back and the plane there.If you like school you will love work:
Now I will admit I solely picked this up for its cover, its genius but further reading of the blurb makes is sound interesting, believe it or not its about terrorism.The pornographers of vienna:
AHA! what a name for a book! blatently about sex, the blurb "keeps it in the family" to say the least.Now the one that tips the iceberg over, Change your life in 7 days:
I'm not saying I want to change my life infact far from it, I like my life the way it is, I bought this book because paul mckenna is undeniably a successful man and I want to be one seeing how he works can only be of use even if I do not directly use his methods, so in seven days I will be a changed man?
Overall my purchases today left me looking like a sex obsessive man who wears blue ribbon round his wrist that feels like he needs to free his soul....
I enjoy reading its so much better than films or television you are your own director and like I said before you can be reading about two people in sexual intercourse and the person next to you is none the wiser, well expect with book covers like mine...
Music fest-02
Madonna-four minutes
Yesterday I mentioned her latest one with pharrel but I havn't been listening to radio of late and I have just come across this with timberland and its soo deep I LOVE IT.
Against me-stop!
Absoulutly amazing what a song
Plain white T's-Hate
Makes me chuckle and smile alot
Timbaland-throw it on me
I can't embed this as it has been disabled but just have a listen
This guy is gold working with the hives ^_^
Mia rose-lawerance
This song took me away and not many songs can do that no really they can't this woman is amazing Im subscribing to her on youtube and check out her channel
Going to bed finally...
Well to read a book being sat here writing all night feel much better now spoke to the vibrating cow and love her to bits ^_^ always makes me smile.
I will be down wednesday more than likely around horsham which is awesome, fritz I have developed the script a bit more I will send you it soon, I'm might be seeing Jack tommorrow which is cool not seen him in a while be nice to go shopping with him for abit.
Today has not been a great day but I have spent about 3-4 hours sat at my laptop writing story ideas and working on scripts and I'm feeling much much better about everything and ontop of that I will be able to tell everyone when and where I am definatley going as of tommorrow might be tunisa now because of the rain in dominican republic which sucks but hey its fair enough to change where we go to avoid rain.
Music fest-youtube-01
Madonna-Give it 2 me
I dont normally like this kind of music but even I have to admit this is adictive.I love the bassline and the drums It makes me want to chugg along and dance which is special.
Disturbed-Inside the fire
Absoulutly awesome and very very very very loud...
Linkin park-leave out all the rest
I had thought that linkin park where back with good material before but this makes me smile and say I got it right
Raconteurs-salute yout solution
A song I have always loved since I heard it for the first time ^_^
Eric Hutchinson-Rock and roll
Makes me feel like summer is alreday here and makes me wish I could sing along.
That rounds up todays random doze of youtube music thats credible say what you like but as you can see my taste is random but full of heavy hitters. This is the first in a series that I will host on here for a while and see what happens. I will do them when I can be bothered.
Monday, 23 June 2008
For many reasons I am annoyed:
1)Holiday planning is stupid one minute we have flights next we don't.
2)Travel agents are fecking useless at anything they don't even know their job "oh no you book the flights I just order them for you"
3)We all speak has failed and someone has deleted the account.
4)Planes don't hold enough people.
5)I miss her like mad...
6)I'm busy tomorrow so can't get down to Horsham to see people.
7)My arm is killing me.
8)Nearest flight is the 7th which is miles away and I won't go.
9)If I don't go I've rebooked my test for nothing...
10)No radio show recording due to no communication.
11)I have packed my stuff ready to go on holiday on thursday and not going.
13)I can't buy a car until I get back from holiday.
14)I can't take my test until I get back from holiday.
15)I wish I had never said I would go and my test would still be in a few weeks and I would be getting a car next week.
16)I lost a good friend because of my actions.
17)I lost more than one.
18)I will lose more.
19)I need people.
*rolls up into ball and explodes*
(not on a plane)
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Been away
Wow I haven't blogged for a while,
I have two reasons for this:
1) The things I would like to blog about are sore subjects for some people
2)I haven't had spare time at my laptop other than now.
The last week has been amazing and everything has felt perfect, yes this is the reason I haven't been blogging but you know what I don't care about peoples feelings any more well at least not the people that will care about what I say. But I shall not say anything due to one specific person may get hassled and they mean to much to me to put them in that situation and I'm not to sure how much detail I should go into on here, all I will say is no I am not single and It's brilliant. I feel complete.
OK so now that difficult subject is over with IM GOING ON HOLIDAY SOON ^_^ yaaaaaaaay
its like amazing but not so amazing as I will miss everyone for two weeks and will mean a lot of pain in my shoulder, I mean a lot of pain....
But hey it will be worth it I hope I wish I could fly a few people out there with me but too short notice for most people and too expensive, this week I aim to spend time with as many people as possible so to make my return even more special I will have to plan to spend day with the awesomer.
Gig on friday was good first time seeing nemo in a week!!!!
bye for now may blog later may not dunno yet.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
I could do with a holiday, sure I will enjoy it Caribbean is a nice place really and two weeks away whilst everyone else isstill in college isn't too bad I suppose even If it means missing driving test etc etc
Bye for tonight I will have an insanely busy day tomorrow and a mental week ahead of me.
To go or not to go?
I've been invited on the family holiday but If I go it means I lose £330 in wages my driving test and I will miss someone very very very very much suckage :(
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Anyone that names a weekend after vibrating cows is clearly a mentalist, but that's the way I roll.
Its been a good and bad weekend/Monday/Tuesday really the start of the weekend friday was awesome, spent it with a randomer that is totally cool and it made me very happy indeed, Saturday morning was the worst day for a while really I did something I didn't really want to do but had to, then the interview it went OK but turns out I have not got the job, but I shall come to that shortly.
Then Saturday afternoon the start of a long chapter in my life of realisation really but I'm very happy about it all.
Then Sunday, what did I do Sunday? I'm not sure ahh yeah arrange a few projects including the radio recording date arranged we will be back ^_^
Monday and today has just been a revision day really and of course I went and saw the Gavster.
With regards to the job situation I have decided that changing my hours at staples may just be a better idea than reorganising a whole new job as much as I dislike staples its easy money, I will try to find something else but I need to make staples a bit more enjoyable so I shall ring them tomorrow and try to rearrange hours but I doubt it will work and although I didn't get the o2 job I have realised if I had My ideal job of being able to go out late and come back late morning would have failed because the hours are 12 at least half hour so I still would have had to be back at home by half ten so realistically I got no extra time out of it where as even with my existing hours I have 4 days completely off which is ideal for summer really especially if we are going camping ^_^
There may be some things that happen over the next week that you don't understand just ask me and I will explain as best I can.
Love you all muchly especially that vibrating cow.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Definably a TV film everyone should watch very clever and unique its based on west end London and how the "gangster" or "chav" influence has affected that side of London but its hard hitting and worth watching only downside was the last scene it reminded me of paul, fortunately paul was not under the same circumstances but it makes you think.
at least I'm happy ^_^
*remembers only have to read until tuesday*
*reads more*
I haven't been blogging lately so sue me I've been busy doing this thing called exam preparation and not feeling to well so leave me be for a while though normal blogging service will resume shortly with 200 pointless blogs a day and 1 useful blog or randomness.
Oh I am looking for the following set of people for the online magazine:
Games reviewers.
Technology reviewers.
Music reviewers
Advice writers.
Opinion writers.
News writers.
General journalists.
If you feel suitable to any of these jobs or have any ideas or know anyone that would be suitable for these jobs email me at invisible.jeff@googlemail.com with your subject as the job you would like to apply for and why you think you can do it or what you can suggest for the magazine, point people in this direction if you feel they would be suitable.
I am asking for them all to be emailed so I can sort them accordingly.
Just to make this clear it will not be paid simply a way of gaining experience for future prospects.
Friday, 13 June 2008
Mascara is bloody horrible stuff to taste. Don't try it.
Today was awesome, really enjoyed the time with people and looking at minis I might be buying one up in haywards heath soon so yay! *happy dances*
My life is looking good at the moment, even though I did something to I absolutely hated I know why I did it and its for the best really.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
English notes
Listening to new music during English revision I have come across a few songs that I really like:
Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet About Me
Your Vegas - Troubled Times (Amazing)
Yael Naim - New Soul
James Dean Bradfield - That's No Way To Tell A Lie
I'm going to try and find them and download them as soon as possible.
I love discovering new music and keeping it fresh so If you find any decent music even if its been around for ages suggest the names to me as It will make me smile ^_^
Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now
Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now
And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don't know how
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall
Today was gonna be the day?
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you now
And all the roads that lead to you were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
I don't know how
I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall
I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after an
You're my wonderwall
Said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
Such a good song and perfect along with the classic that is iris at the moment, I'm liking the way I have things planned and have already achieved so much of my targets for this month so happy right now ^_^
Looking at minis and come across this...
I wont be buying that I can tell you really looking forward to summer and I finally feel like me again if I am stuck looking over notes for english and product of which I have my exam tommorrow for which will be interesting. But I should be fine for it if i'm honest I'm not worried about it one bit. ^_^
Oh btw Im not telling anyone when I have got a car or passed my test so I can turn up somewhere and go oh yeah cars over there....
I love minis and looking at the ones online seeing how close I am to getting them makes me smile lots.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Smiley Post ish
Today has been a good day very good if you consider the fact that I started my exams today, I miss someone a lot and not who I expected to miss either for a lot of time I have maybe I will sort that out maybe I won't I don't know the thing that's so odd is I shouldn't be missing them I should be missing someone else.
Anyway, Good day because I sorted all that stuff out in my head, I know what I will do, I like my idea a lot, booking my driving test which is awesome but I'm not telling anyone when it is, I got all the money I need for stuff, tax man owed me moneys and I got the cheque today for it all which is totally awesome. It means I can go out and buy a car soon and buy an I-phone hopefully by the 11th.
My parents want me to go on holiday but I really don't want to go, I hate the idea of a holiday and taking me to a place that will be surrounded by little children and chavs is not my idea of relaxing. Why would I want to go to some country that has the same problems as ours? and go to the place in the country that has the kind of people I hate with a passion? I mean if I wanted to go on holiday it would be to get away from the crap we have here not go to another country just to experience it in the warm and in a denser environment.
As I said yesterday Hindsight is not for looking back and dreaming its for looking forward and creating. I want to use my experiences of my past to learn from and start creating my future that's constructive, I may or may not write a blog about all my mistakes its sat in my drafts incomplete but I feel that saying some stuff will dig up harshness and some people will see me for who I was and not who I am.
I'm changing and I don't know what I want to do but I shall do what feels right at the time and that goes for everything and mostly that, last night I nearly did something that if I had I would have regretted in the morning thanks to Aimee for stopping me seriously. As much as I'm still thinking about it a lot, If I had done it last night it would have been out of anger and confusion not the right reasons when anything like that pops up again I'm going for a walk and turning my phone off.
I like myself sometimes and I think I've killed "him" I haven't heard from him since I grew up last night. I'm proud of myself for the first time in my life. I can't tell you how happy that makes me feel.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Well exam tomorrow not done any revision for it.
Thanks to the prick that send me the comment on ever, I don't know who you are but I don't care If it is directed at me and I insulted you it was most likely in jest or you deserved it, I can't see anyone I have ever asked for help on my coursework other than my teacher. No-one I think I know who it is she's vindictive enough to do it if it is then thanks you made my day by realising that my new friends are fucking awesome and not low levelled prats like yourself.
I had a day of realisation yesterday and have had two or three conversations today about them, I can't help how I feel about life or anything else, but I am sorry, I have other stresses right now and I enjoy doing what I do when I'm with you guys but I needed to work out where everything was going, I'm going to take a break away from most things for a few days this will also let me read my exam pack inside out the weekend I want to take two days away from revision to catch up with the people I care about.
Then there's only four days until my last exam, which after I need to find a new direction for I need to do it soon I have 15 weeks off for summer before I go back and its worrying to think I have no plans of anything to do, I'm not sure I want to go to university any more is it for me? Only time will tell.
I want to go back and change things mostly to make life better for others not myself there is someone I know that deserves to be happy, I would love to make them happy time correction would help a lot with that.
Hindsight is not for looking back and dreaming its for looking forward and creating.
It needs to stop
I can't take it any more, there's two options and I'm not worried about taking either, right now I feel like I don't know you and all you are doing is pissing me off every time I speak to you with nothing.
Monday, 9 June 2008
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Ever had that feeling that your just being used for your skills and that your not really wanted?
Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle :D
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Shit week really
I'm still worried about stuff, I'm trying to manage what I did yesterday but with other stresses its just not possible, which sucks.
Other stresses listed as they popped up in my mind over a 3hour period.
1. We won't talk about that here because its mean even if it is really bothering me ALOT.
2. A while ago I made a decision and for the last 2 weeks or so I have been thinking I made the wrong one, its killing me because the decision I made is happy-ish just not as great as hoped and I still feel more inclined to go the other way. (this is vague so not to upset anyone)
4. I'm going to take it as I didn't get the o2 job but they are too feeble to tell me, hopefully they just haven't rung around yet even though they did say I would find out by close of bussiness, I need to leave staples within 3 weeks or I will explode.
5. Exams, fucking evil bastard things that they are.
7. I miss the people that I care about, but I can't have them around me all the time.
8. I made the wrong decision, I know I did I think I have to live with it.
9. I'm generally not me.
10. Loves a bitch.
12. My spark is dying along with my soul.
13. I feel like I'm lying to myself.
14. Decision
16. I miss them.
17. I want to do it but don't.
19. Decision I messed up.
20. Where's me?
21. Food needed.
22. I've not eaten all day.
23. I've not slept for four days...
24. SHIT! I really haven't.
Mostly I havn't slept as Im playing a few things over in my mind, health, who I am, how to get to what I want to do, the decision, wanting people nearer, finding a new job and then pain.
My taps turned themselves on I saw them running but 30 seconds before they wern't then the music system downstairs started playing so I run to see both. BOTH DOORS WHERE LOCKED NO WAY SOMEONE COULD HAVE GOT IN OR OUT! and then the alarm started setting itself.
I'm miffed. I've searched my whole house nothing there but TAPS CANNOT TURN THEM SELVES ON!!!!!
Everything is falling apart on my body.
I'm beginning to want a new one, but that's not possible.
I'm worried, never have been before I got told some stuff on friday that blew my mind into several thousand pieces even if I seemed fine, I may need some help and time to glue it back together. Ask all you want but If I'm not in mood leave me be, If I'm not online its because I'm getting away from people, If you want to talk email, I just need space. If I ask to see you feel privileged.
Thursday, 5 June 2008
made me smile and made me much happier bless youtube and its insanity it has restored mine.
Next person to send me spam gets blocked off msn and email end of. Mass emails of information is acceptable but blatent time wasting will end up with me pressing two block buttons very very very quickly.Yeah I was harsh but spammers waste everyone's time and I hate wasting mine.
Not in best mood as it is wont rant here about that but yeah I'm annoyed and a bit upset about something but I will explain that to the person involved soon. was looking forward to something but no can't any more not their fault but its annoying as hell, that's as far as I'm going here, It may be my diary but there are some things I don't want everyone to know, if you would like to know, ask, I will only tell people that I trust though.
Need to leave work as soon as possible after today's shift I want to die seriously, on Sunday I am going looking for jobs. If I don't leave soon I will get sacked for shoving a binder up someone's arse most likely my managers.
Am I fucked off?
Do I care?
Am I finished?
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Itunes U
the guy on this lecture is talking about charges and static he says "if you take your top off and make your room dark standing infront of a mirror you get a good experience" hes talking about the static it creates but funny as hell as hes winking at people do it with a friend that's even more fun
and now hes beating someone with carpet to generate a spark to light a neon flash bulb that requires a few thousand volts to light it
I want to go university so much now ^_^
I player is being ghey and not letting me watch the apprentice so I have to wait until dad gets off his pc so I can reset the router by simply pulling the cable out and then putting it back in but it gives me time to work out stuff for the interview tomorrow but I was hoping to use the apprentice as a tool to work out what to say and how to say it but I guess I have to wait.
All I know that I have to have ready is four achievements I'm proud of in my life but you know what I don't know what to say in return to that absolutely no scooby of an idea what to say but unfortunately I cannot blag that.
Goals for June
May Goals Where:
1)Come close to finishing Novel-I decided it was shit so yeah
2)Look for a mini.-Been looking
3)Be myself more.- Have been
4)Bring back the radio show.-FAIL!
5)Complete some work for a portfolio.-Done
6)Work on the pneumatics.-Done ordered some stuff
7)Smile more.-Done
8)Change someones life.-Done apprantly I change peoples lives everyday but I meant something a bit more constructive and I have I got aimee a Job her life will never be the same after working there.
I will try to set myself 10 Goals each month
SO June Goals:
1)Bring back the effing show, I seriously loved doing it but exams n stuff
2)Have a backup plan should A levels fail
3)Get a new job, the current one is killing my soul hopefully it will be o2
4)Book my driving test
5)Pass my driving test
6)Get a Car
7)Have edge of reason laid out
8)Start an internet magazine
9)Get an I-phone or have money ready in future
10)Arrange the camping trip and one massive gathering.
Yeah, I can tick that box ^_^
Interview madness
All I have left is to sort out everything for my interview and organise my June goals.
Oh and on the note before I don't really need to worry so much as my university offer is low and it's not too bad as I basically already have the offer and I can't mess up everything that badly not to get in and if I did I will have a backup plan by then ^_^
I'm off to cook myself food not sure what but nice food either way.
Revision over
Well the revision was fine for electrical, energy and momentum sort of topics I understand them completely and satisfied with them, however I AM TOTALLY FUCKED. I know nothing about the universe or ionisation. Basically the stuff I need next year I'm fine with and will pass that exam but the one based on the universe and radiation. FAIL. The main problem is it doesn't interest me so I will shut off within a few moments of looking at it, I can't comprehend it, I can't see it, feel it or touch it. So I'm screwed I cannot teach myself half of a course within a week, I'm going to try as soon as I have spoken to my teach because I am proper screwed otherwise. Talking of teachers must mail English teacher. *emails her*
Anyway, if anyone can help me with astrophysics or radiation topics please do.
Physics revision notes
The way in which I revise is special I make a fucking huge list of stuff I need to know and the learn it in one go here is the first chapter of my revision notes from my book. they all have numbers in my word file and have blue font for all equations.
Page 8
1. Models reflect reality
2. Exponential changes are proportional to the quantity
3. That radioactive decay is exponential
4. The random decay smoothed out it is equal to dN/dt=-λN
5. Half life is the radioactive decay is time taken for the number of nuclei to be halved
Page 14
1. capacitance C at potential difference V is Q=CV
2. Unit of capacitance is farads
3. Exponential change of a quantity Q Is dQ/dt=kQ
4. Equation for discharge of a charge on a capacitance C through a resistance R is dQ/dt=-Q/RC
5. Discharge of capacitor is Q/Q0=e-t/rc
6. Discharge of radioactive substance is N/N0=e-λt
7. The time constant Ï„=RC is the time for the charge to reduce by a factor of 1/e ≈0.37
8. The half life of radioactive decay t1/2 is equal to In2 =0.693 of the time constant 1/λ
9. Energy in capacitor=⅟2QV=⅟2CV2=1/2Q2/c
Page 22
1. The motion of a harmonic oscillator is governed by the equation d2s/dt2=a=-(2Ï€f)2s with (2Ï€f)2s=k/m
2. The period of the harmonic oscillator is independent of its amplitude
3. The variation of displacement is sinusoidal
4. Expressions for this are s=A sin (2Ï€ft) and s=A cos (2Ï€ft).
5. There is a phase difference between displacement and velocity and velocity and acceleration of π/2
End of chapter
1. The energy stored in a stretched spring at extension x is 1/2Kx2 if the stretching force F=kx.
2. The energy stored in a oscillator is the sum of its energy 1/2Kx2 and its kinetic energy is 1/2mv2.
3. Resonance is where something oscillates at its natural frequency.
4. Damping controls the way in which a resonator produces high amplitude within a set frequency.
oh yeah because I want to be an engineer damn me and my high goals...
List for today
Today I must:
Make notes on physics.
Prepare for interview tomorrow.
Thank everyone for taking part in the questionnaire.
Make my goals for June happen.
Now considering I'm not a huge fan or rap music NSG ROCKS!!!
I met him at the gathering completely unaware of his music and coming across some of his videos today, I have to admit that guy is a fricking legend two years ago he couldn't play a single instrument and now he is producing albums from his room capable of being number one's not that I know what is number one any more, what did happen to the charts they use to be important. This has made me wonder I have a lot of equipment and can play instruments why am I sat here writing this, I had planned to do an album but my voice is shit, I would say not what it was but although it was OK it was still crap.
But there are so many people on youtube that deserved to be signed but nsg is definitely one of them even if Dave should get there first, yes Dave did have to be said and yes Gav Dave is hot, but also very good at guitar and singing better than you so If you have a problem go play with righty over disturbing porn on x-tube ^_^
3am again
Its 3am again and I can't sleep I better not make a habit of this or problems might start again...
Anyway the reason for this blog is that I am insanely bored in bed I want to do something yet again with friends mostly the same people as last night/morning/whatever you want to call it. Except this time its a dream I just had and we would be sat in a living room I can't describe it but I know what it looks like, we are all sat there watching music videos on the TV generally insulting everyone that appears on screen calling them fat and suggesting we would rather watch shit decompose than watch this video again, such random references in my dreams for the win, then all of a sudden a song I have never heard before comes on the TV and everyone in the room erupts turning the room into a massive party that goes on long into the night and then into the morning we stopped dancing at about 8 random clock figure imprinted on my mind and we decided to go get food from the local bakery twas nice was mostly freshly cooked bread and was amazing eating it then someone walks in the door and the dream ends, I'm not sure who this person was, Its someone from my future.
Last time someone did that in one of my dreams it was Tash I met her 3 weeks later and my life completely changed now I have loads more people I know can I meet more people and still maintain everything I'm not sure but the idea that I will meet someone again that will affect my life completely is exciting, I don't dream often but when I do it has significance I know this person will change my life, I know I will meet them, I know they are awesome, I know what they look like, the future looks bright but its not orange...
Unforgotten realms is genius so Im posting them in my blog when I see them here are the first two ^_^
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Full screen is just as awesome by the way...
Monday, 2 June 2008
Apple domination
This blog may get me murdered but I don't care.
Bill Gates is a genius but will someone please burn him and hire Steve Jobs to piss on him whilst he burns? Seriously no problems ever with Macs problems everyday with windows does it not make sense to switch? I will as soon as possible, lets all get together and over throw windows and its pansy updates then shit in its grave with our I-poo.
Rant over!
Mac haters please don't kill me go to apple.com and look at the sexiness and buy me one whilst your there...
If only that was a real Honda advert, it would make me want to get a Honda lets just put it that way.
Im not sure why But I read this as:
Its that time of year again.
Masturbation coupon.
So basically they are selling coupons for condoms when you masturbate over a mac?
and is the title a reference to doc who?
Where do you find euros?
I seriously had no Idea I was given the strangest shopping list ever today...
40 Euros,
Disposable cameras,
I had to ring Fritz thinking she would be most suitable to find out where to get euros as I seriously had no idea as I would normally get the currency at the airport rather than before I travel its just easier.
Today has been strange I was meant to go somewhere but didn't even phone someone to let them know I couldn't mostly because I had lost my phone but after an argument I think If I had phoned anyone I would have killed them.
I need to get the money I require for everything and I need to do it soon or I might explode, everything about earlier is fine now, I have sorted it.
One conversation, that's all it took to make me useless, I have no soul, no happiness. I feel so empty, I want to leave this house I have never wanted to leave only thought it would be a fun idea.I havn't felt like this for a long time. I want to die.
Its 3am in the morning and I really want to go for a wander with my friend's I want to get up grab Steff, Becky, Gav, Aimee, Nemo,Nikki and Fritz with Lizmcsaur and take them for a walk through the fields nearby go sit in the tall grass with them telling stories to each other under the star light until we get bored and if we did get bored we would just sit there until sunrise lying on each other watching the sunrise over the distant horizon filled with trees. All this would just be the start of an amazing day away from civilisation, away from everyone else and without any complications just relax, with my best friends, the day would be spent not having to worry about anything we would have food all the food we would want, no phones, no emails, no work.
Just us set in A beautiful scenery with animals grasing on the field next to us on a typically warm British summers day, the birds won't fly away they will sit whilst we marvel at their beauty, share jokes about three, past times and our futures. Without a care in the world the day would be perfect I want to do it tomorrow and text them now telling them to get here but I know I can't there are exams but one day, one day I will.
Bed blog
I’m blogging in bed and my power supply is broken and playing up...
Im so bored in bed and my creativity generally comes out when I’m in bed so I have turned on laptop to write, if I get caught I’m dead but if not I give creative genius ^_^
I have invited a few people that I trust and believe are able to do a task to help with it and I think they will enjoy it I hope they are willing to when they get the email.
I sent fritz to bed but really I’m worse than her hehe
Sunday, 1 June 2008
When I opened this packet of crackers I was a bit sceptical of if I would like them or not, they are wholemeal crackers with thyme and pumpkin seeds in them but with a little bit of cheese and a bit of ham is very very nice I am naming this dish, Dex crackers they are very nice and tasty. Like uber tasty. Very smexy indeed.
I'm now not so hungry and want to try so many new foods, I enjoy cooking and will have more time over summer to cook, blame steff she fed me pasta that I actually liked yesterday. ^_^
I need about £1200 to buy an I-phone and a Car assuming I don't get the one I already want and Inland revenue owe me £1400 yet they have not yet sent me the cheque I cannot tell you how annoying that is... Everything I want/need in matter seconds as soon as that cheque clears yet I'm likely to wait anything between 2 t0 8 weeks for the bloody money to come through If I'm at staples I will have to wait at least 3months which is unlikely to happen and If I get the 02 Job because I will be earning enough I can borrow it and get it there and then then pay it off when the tax comes through or via my wages, the o2 job is now not just a job I will enjoy its a way of paying for my future and way of life.
It will be released at the conference on the 9th likely to on sale shortly after, I WANT ONE DAMMIT, I want one before I want a car and my dad is offering to lend me money for both if I get the 02 job as well as paying for my test which is awesome, he asked me what I was doing online and I was writing my blog and he read the one about art with my sister and said I had grown up a lot more than he thought and hadn't realised everything random thing I was doing recently had a purpose in the long run, I think I may have earnt his respect and he is realising how much the above items mean to me as well as will make my goals easier he also respects my Ideas about moving out and not staying a Brighton for the four year course only the first year I think this is amazing but I don't want to take the piss and would rather wait than push myself too far and end up owing more than I can afford.
So lets just hope I get the job.
Email me!
So I’m testing the Idea of email blogging and this is totally awesome it means I don’t have to bother with opening a new webpage the transition to my new email is proving successful everything is going smoothly even if Bebo still doesn’t want to send me emails but I may email them telling to sort it out otherwise everything is OK.
Also I am mostly dealing with emails now and it is proving a lot better than MSN as It gives me longer responses and better conversation… This will stay very much the same for the next few weeks whilst I revise for exams but once they are over normal Dex MSN will return. Nemo made a good point about how organising everything into one email was logical and having the calendar and such like all in one place was logical which is the only reason I have changed my email to a googlemail, hotmail would not let me set their email up in outlook so I went ahead and setup a Google account and transferred everything to that it just made life easier that’s all. I’m going to draw up steps in my main goal for where I want to be doing for the rest of my life and set them out tomorrow I shall write my goals for the month but don’t expect too much as I have exams to revise for and would just like to relax really after them for a week or so with nothing important in the way of my time.
Hopefully people will start to read this more often as the summer will be very fast paced and if I get an I-phone very likely or a phone with email it will be updated constantly until I am bored shitless.
YAY for planning your future, I advise it, it’s exciting.
They should make them stronger seriously...
Shave with a sponge
Two hours in Sainsbury's drives you insane very very quickly my msn is now set-up and the transfer to one email account is almost complete all ready seeing the benefits of just one everything is in one place though bebo doesn't want to play my game seemingly I shall check the email shortly.
I JUST SHAVED WITH A SPONGE!! suck on that my sponge was awesome OK it was hair removal cream but that's not the point it rocks..
Any way's I'm off to crash into cars on the playstation, I mean revise....
Blog again
Yeah I'm blogging again, not that that is a surprise to many, I am very bored about to go to sainbury's with the mother I don't mind so much but I just hate shopping, I'm going in Steff's jumper too only because its the one nearest to me and I'm in a particularly lazy mood, I got from work to hers in twenty minutes yesterday and believe me that is a mission thankfully I had the bike ^_^
I have decided over summer I want to get a mini, the new I-phone, Mac book and then perhaps a Motorbike, I have always wanted one but practicality's of using a car took over yet riding yesterday I really want to get a motorbike imagine the air flowing past your face at the speed you wish and the way in which you are in control of the beast directly there is no steering wheel only handlebars which are soo much more responsive than a steering wheel leaning into corners and there's no reverse ^_^
I will most likely blog about the awesomeness that was yesterdays doc who later.