YAAAAAAAAAY I'm happy very very happy, everything is going right and I know what my goals are for August and these must be completed I havn't really blogged this month I've been so busy but I have seen most of the people that hugely affect my life and its amazing I can't wait for the 4 days with the duck
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Single mums in disney
Wow I was typsy last night, really typsy, for guys to notice and I annoyed people?
I renember most of the night like dancing round the fire, mystical tours, aristocats (with winnie the pooh mouse) and me telling everyone what was going on including the butlers choice of wears.
Was amazing and we were not making noises!!!
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Brilliant film a bit predicable but waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long at 2hours 23minutes!!!!!!!!
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Damnit just when im getting use to things something always slaps me in the face I now need a job a lot more! I need to change my job because I'm second in line to be made redundant which sucks majorly, I can't risk getting a car without a viable income first but I also don't want to work full time over summer I was hoping to do overtime over summer at staples while people where away but thats not going to happen now is it? DAMN!
Im angry annoyed and upset all in one, I was going to buy a mini until this happened and now I cannot risk insuring it or anything because I will only lose it, I'm soo annoyed I just want a job surely it can't be that hard to get one can it?
Anyone sees any jobs please fire them at me I will do anything for the moment I just need a job.
I have thursday to look forward to though I suppose
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
My girlfriend is weirder than yours
Shes one of the few people I can conversations like this with because we are weird and very very special but its why I love her duh!
Dex/Jeff says:
snazzle my jazzle i have a peanut
Becky says:
you and most the male population dude... i hope anyways lol
Dex/Jeff says:
lol its a real peanut but just one randomly
Becky says:
well i didn't think it was fake...
Dex/Jeff says:
in my biscuit box how odd
Becky says:
Dex/Jeff says:
*examines penut for male dna*
Becky says:
male peanut?
Dex/Jeff says:
my conclusion is that the peanut has no penis or shaft so therefore is either female or female therefore eating it will not make me bi or gay so i can eat it without risking my sexuality
Becky says:
or.. :
-its just shy in front of you
-its had a terrible accident with a custard cream in your biscuit box
-its a shehe
Dex/Jeff says:
nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i ate a trannie!
Becky says:
Dex/Jeff says:
its gunna get lots of action down in my belly though
Becky says:
ewwwwww... why?:P
Dex/Jeff says:
i ate bourbons about 5mins ago everyone likes the big black ones ;P
Dex/Jeff says:
but im the king of comebacks
Becky says:
technically you can't be.. sorry
Dex/Jeff says:
why not?
Becky says:
you can't be a king and lesbian... rules
Dex/Jeff says:
damn those technicalites but now im a trannie i can ;P
Becky says:
your a tranny?! :(
Dex/Jeff says:
Ben is making a Role playing game based on unforgotten realms feed him ideas please people!
Comment below!
Make him happy (read below post)
I have just realised how you achieve happiness!!
No seriously by making people happy and make people laugh, it makes you happier not only because you have made someone smile but because its likely what you did for them makes you happy.
I know the people that make me happy and the people that use to make me happy so yay, I try to make people happy so I feel good about myself, If I have upset you at any point say I wont be offended.
*I have always known this just not consciously*
Monday, 21 July 2008
Ive not posted in a while.
I know I have not posted in an age and if im honest I don't care since i returned from turkey I haven't really had the time to sit back and relax and think its been full on working my arse looking for ways to gain money, a car and generally enjoying stuff today I had the first time in age with my boys and I loved it, missed it so much even if we did wind up nemo about being a girl for a while.
sorry nemo.
I have next to nothing planned tomorrow/today thankfully, but other than that the next week is very very busy.
Wednesday: Work until late
Thursday: Party
Friday: Party
Saturday: Work
Sunday: London/time with Becky?
Monday: Party (I think)
Tuesday: Party (I think)
Wednesday: Work
Thursday: Car searching/Work
Friday: Brighton/time with Becky?
Saturday: Work
Sunday: Oh look a free day wow!
hehe you get the idea I like it though keeps me busy and I prefer to have little time free than loads of time but it does mean that my free time is consumed with finding the things i need for the not so distant future.
Then everyone is basically away for a while and I shall use this time to change alot about what I do but it is meaning all this time is hard to fulfil my ideal tasks for july and I only had half because of the holiday, I might be going on another and I may be taking someone which would be nice.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
I would have just landed pending no delays etc etc hopefully not though... I will see most of you today most likely before you read this blog which is awesome, over the next few days I will be sorting a lot of stuff, My 14 days of emails is near enough 1000 thats going to take me a while to sort out and of course I have arranged things stupidly close to when I get off a plane.
Hope you enjoyed the challenges.
BAI see you before you read this ^_^
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
DAY 14
Day 14 and the final day now I will be getting on a plane tonight and arriving stupidly early in the morning at Gatwick... like 2in the morning stupidly early so today's and the weeks final challenge is the hardest of the lot, go sit down and have a shower or bath and sit and relax think about your childhood and ignore the complications of today it will make you feel great and most likely reveal something about your current state of mind... enjoy.. see you tomorrow if I blog...
Past/Future/not so sure when Dex over and out!
Monday, 14 July 2008
DAY 13
Unlucky for some but not you...
Challenge today will be done tomorrow... endure a hour of children's TV or today if you can
Sunday, 13 July 2008
DAY 12
Wooo into day 12 we go
I want you to create a game you can play in your mind or with someone else that you can play whilst you wait for something like a download a journey to finish etc etc
Saturday, 12 July 2008
DAY 11
Woo day 11 of my epic challenges and holiday bonanza!
I don't like watching TV I see it as a waste of time and effort, mostly because 90% of the stuff on TV is complete bull create me a story for a series that you would watch rather than the shite that gets put on TV nowadays...
Friday, 11 July 2008
New book
Harry has AIDS!!!!
He's been using his wand of fire too much how do you use yours?
Just remember to protect it you kinky buggers.
Thursday, 10 July 2008
DAY 09
Unforgotten realms will be out today you will have to find it yourself really as I cannot re-empt the embed code unfortunately as much as I would like to, today's challenge is to write me a parody of something that you finds funny in life and email it to me at then I will post the best when I get home.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
I really wanna...
With someone special and just experience the world with that person, I know who I have in mind but I don't have the capacity yet, but she knows I would If I could.
DAY 08
Today's challenge is Fuunnnnnnnnn with a capital eff the idea is that you find a groovy song that is so funky it makes prostitutes seem like the virgin Mary and boogie to it but the challenge is to go as insane as possible to the music and do the stupiest dance moves.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
DAY 07
SO today's challenge seeing as I'm on this holiday I will be trying out water sports etc etc *not to sure its a good idea with shoulder but hey ho* Tell me what your ideal thing to do would be if it be a sexual position, extreme sport or illegal act, I would suggest that you take advantage of not needing to leave your name for this one.....
Monday, 7 July 2008
Because your missing me
I hope you are at least, I'm writing this after our conversation on Sunday its now 2am in the morning I'm not sure when I will decide to let blogger post it because I'm unsure of what I'm going to say in it at the moment, but its for you and you know who you are and if your not sure your name will be the only tag down below this post after I let blogger post it ^_^
Yeah basically. I love you.
That's still so scary to say because those three words can destroy people within a whisper so we will make up a new way of saying a ducky and Jeff way of saying it because we are blatantly cool.
I never felt like anyone like this ever before for like six months you have been at the front of my mind for a lot of the time I have wanted to suppress it because I thought it was not what you wanted but now I know it is, I feel awesome about it all, the most amazing feeling in the world. I have never met anyone quite like you other than myself and seeing as I can't meet myself really, your unique, we think almost exactly the same I remember you trying to tell me stuff that you thought I would find awkward when I actually felt exactly the same which is really nice because your on the same wavelength as me.
We finish each others sentences and don't need to speak to say something to each other we just know already, we feel exactly the same about most things even if we argue we still work it out and that's the best bit. I get you in trouble by giving people nicknames then you use them and they think what the hell? I steal your credit and you steal mine, eat your ribbons and nab your bells, its not because I'm mean its because I'm a winner and think your awesome, though god knows what you see in me. ;)
*licks nose*
(cos actions mean more than words)
We never even asked each other to be with each other we just are ^_^
DAY 06
And then you thought it was another comment or email request aha NO!
This challenge is creative, I challenge you to make an creature and name it you can draw it or create it from household objects, what's even better is I dare you to play with it as if it was a barbie or action man and you where 3.
Sunday, 6 July 2008
DAY 05
Today's date is 06/07/08 or if your American so therefore dumb, its 07/06/08 your a retard because you ruin my idea behind this blog go sit in a pile of poo and roll in it for your challenge.
But for the non-stupid people today's challenge will involve you counting, count from 1-100then 100-1 then 1 to 30 then from 30 to 100. After that congratulate yourself for wasting time and generally procrastinating. JOKES!
Today's challenge is about numbers though the sequence of numbers in today's date has reminded me of some strange things I do in my mind with numbers like time for instance I work out the total of the two numbers combined for some reason, have done since I was a small child. But what I want you to do today is find a dice, (hehe diceman readers) and pick 6 different people, celebritys, people you know etc etc. roll the dice and be that person for 15minutes imagine everything fro thier point of view. Let me know how it goes bye for today
Saturday, 5 July 2008
DAY 04
I'm still winning.. and you can't argue with me because you cant speak to me, hehe or maybe you can? telepathy....
Doctor who finale today ooooh I cannot watch until I get back and even then might not be able to anyone tape it for me just in case?
But today's challenge is to write me an episode of doctor who with your own creatures obviously I realise that to write a whole script would take aaaages.. so you can just write the outline of what happens email me it at
Friday, 4 July 2008
DAY 03
Aha another video! Not seeming so random now is it?
But it is, this music reminds me of people that are special to me especially the people currently in my life that I care about possibly too much, So my challenge today or more request is to say not who this song if any this song reminds you of but what that person is like and what they make you feel like when you are with them and comment below ^_^
Enjoy tomorrow will not have a video, Or will it?
Some pointless facts for you...
...and my comments on them...
F-101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only two Disney animated features in which both the parents are present and don't die throughout the film.
D-So basically Mr Disney had a sick sexual fantasy over witch's killing his parents or small children be they dogs or humans.
F-Aproximately 1 in 10,000 eggs has the Salmonella bacteria
D-So only eat 9,999 if you like eggs by fear of death either that or only 1 in 10,000 chickens caught the nasty sex disease off big Joe the masculine chicken.
F-There are twice as many Kangaroos in Australia as people.
D-Blatantly they only have a minor infestation of humans KANGERS MUST RULE ZE WORLD!!!
F-Each worker bee, in it's entire lifetime, produces only one twelfth (1/12) of one teaspoon (4.167 ml) of honey
D-They should apply at mac-donalds for a new job seeing as they are shit at the current job they have.
F-Frogs sometimes eat enough fireflies that they themselves glow
D-I've got a glow in my stomach, dear firefly dear firefly.
F-The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
D-OMGOSH SUPER CHICKEN!! *its big Joe and we all know his dirty secrets..*
F-elephants can't jump, every other mammal can
F-The Earth moves in its 585-million-mile orbit around the Sun approximately eight times faster than a bullet travels.
D-How can we move that fast have you seen how obese the world is??!! Just look at the Americans they are already 90% of the weight
F-All porcupines float in water
D-I want to test this sooo bad!!
F-The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone
The following statement comes with a warning, If this warning addresses you I suggest you follow it. So I will finish the blog here and leave the last bit for others to read.
F-a snail can sleep for 3 yrs
D-WTF!!! three years if we slept for three years they would pull the plug.. there grand kids have already been stamped on in those three years!
Thursday, 3 July 2008
DAY 02
Aha yes doctor who but the relevancy of this is I would like you to think about the way In which some religion thinks (can't remember at time of writing) if you could come back as one thing what would it be? and why would you want to come back as that animal, object or person?
Comment below and let me know why you don't need to leave your logon or anything as anyone can post ^_^
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
DAY 01
So I announced yesterday that the first of July for me is the start of summer and now that it is the 2nd but the first day of my innate challenges so what better way to start than with a summer theme.
I challenge you to draw a picture of your idea summer day and email me it at with the subject Day 01 then I will post them in a large blog when I return and announce my favourites.
Enjoy the challenge for today and come back tomorrow and tell everyone you know to come here for the nest 14 days as it will be fun and exciting ^_^
Intro to challenges
So this is the first day of the holiday I will most likely be currently sat on a beach whilst you guys slave over college work or sit in the British summer/rain or both most likely.
AHA so I said that I would set challenges each day which is true but they must have some importance really so I will tell a story before I will suggest the challenge some will need you to comment, email or anything like that but I will guarantee they will appear randomly chosen which is more than likely true, some will be to help you as a person, others will be to enjoy yourself and others to subdue my obscene desires.
Stay tuned I will announcing them later on ^_^
Becky must complete them all and read my blog everyday, I have also arranged for some entirely randomness to be posted throughout the week.
With any luck I will have just landed on Turkish soil and be warm.
Thats if there where no delays which ultimately there would have been hehe
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
At the time this post publishes I will be on a plane flying to turkey for two weeks.
Bet you thought you had got rid of me for two weeks but instead I have set up blogs for everyday I am away, including challenges, story's and general Jeffness.
Picture it as a little bit of me from the past but written in the future...
When I return I will be not about for a few days for reasons that will become clear after because those few days when I return will be awesome, I will try to see people particularly the best friendlings but basically If I don't respond or don't see you for a bit don't worry I'm most likely OK Just busy...
Oh welcome to summer, Summer starts today for me. Look forward to the blogs that will post at 12 everyday try to complete the tasks it will be fun and give me something to do when I get back.
Julys Goals
June was a average month for goals:
1)Bring back the effing show, I seriously loved doing it but exams n stuff-FAIL! AGAIN!!!
2)Have a backup plan should A levels fail-Done but will not elaborate
3)Get a new job, the current one is killing my soul hopefully it will be o2-FAIL!
4)Book my driving test-DONE! WOOO!
5)Pass my driving test-Would have done if not thanks to the holiday
6)Get a Car-Again same reason as above
7)Have edge of reason laid out-Done
8)Start an internet magazine-Done details follow when I am back
9)Get an I-phone or have money ready in future-Done!
10)Arrange the camping trip and one massive gathering.-Done (about 12hours ago) details when I return.
So this is Julys goals:
2)Get new job
3)Pass driving test will with any luck...
4)Finalise edge of reason basic-ideas
5)Get I-phone
6)Start internet mag
7)Organise details for gatherings.
8)Do a mix tape that is insanely awesome packing in 100tracks on one CD
9)Play a DJ set live to an audience
10)Finish at least one song
As you can see most is aimed at music Its an area I want to explore again after renembering what I have done with my time for the last 6 years...
Northen lights
I want to see the northern lights...
And I want a puffin they are soo awesome