Tuesday, 29 April 2008


I couldn't find any decent food in the cupboard, well there is just none that I want to eat particularly.

Some of you may remember a social politics blog I did not so long ago, in fact yesterday, at this rate, I will remove my blog, remove all social networking profiles, remove my MSN account and emails, Change my phone number and then not tell any of what I'm doing, I'm fed up of people saying things, I'm fed up of lies being spread about me, I'm fed up of people talking around a subject to me. SAY WHAT YOU THINK!

I can handle the truth, just not lies and hiding stuff, what ever you think good or bad tell me.

*glass kettle explodes over room goes to help tidy*

That just scared the hell out of me. Imagine if I had been next to that the water was almost boiled...

I guess I'm just fed up of people not telling me the truth, talking behind my back and hiding things from me. I guess I will never get rid of that so I'm sorry who I speak to about stuff, everyone is back to square one with trust until I am 100% sure I have it.

Sorry if this ruins some of your moods but It has to be said and as much as this is to make you guys smile as well as me its also about expressing how I feel