Wednesday, 16 July 2008


I would have just landed pending no delays etc etc hopefully not though... I will see most of you today most likely before you read this blog which is awesome, over the next few days I will be sorting a lot of stuff, My 14 days of emails is near enough 1000 thats going to take me a while to sort out and of course I have arranged things stupidly close to when I get off a plane.

Hope you enjoyed the challenges.

BAI see you before you read this ^_^


Anonymous said...

Too late~ have read it ^^

(It's Fritz just too lazy to log on.)

Unknown said...

Well I hope my e-mails appear somewhere in there.

May I ask when you want to record the show and seriously I want to get this started up again.

Speak soon.

Tamusz said...

where were you?
(i havent read your blog in over a month, so bare with me) (is that the correct bare?)