Monday, 4 August 2008

Yesterdays blog today...

I didn't even have time to log on to my pc yesterday and write a real blog so here it is, I think I will post blogs about everyday and what I did and perhaps if I know I am doing stuff before I will write about it then.

Yesterday was quite a busy day first of all in the morning I went to town and just browsed really, I wasn't in the mood for sitting around the house and having a look at clothes and how much they cost has shown me how much people pay for t-shirts etc after that I had Becky over in the afternoon, we basically spent the day being terrorised by my sister and her friend then they disappeared so we could just sit and chat it was nice to sit and talk about various other things, I like that sooo much about our realationship being able to sit and talk about completley random things openly with eachother, she is one my best friends as well as my girlfriend what could be better?

After that we met up with people in a local park and went to the dullest and quietest open mic night at laser hub in history, ONE ACT! ffs. then we wondered around crawley trying to invent somthing to do after we decided we had achieved nothing we made motions towards home like places firstly stopping at crawley station then being driven by my mother, it wasn't a waste of time though it was interesting and comical.

Today I got up run into town bumped into Ant and Ben talked to them for a little and then wondered home to meet up with nikki and we just sat and spoke about stuff and caught up with eachother generally it was nice, so far this evening I have also set up the spreadshirt shop and hopefully will have it ready to be launched soonish.

I think I will use this blog as my life and set-up another one for hilarious things that I shall blog about but I will decide that in the next few days.