I got some post today not that I particularly care or would normally write about my post, but this is the post I hate....
Monday, 31 March 2008
Sunday, 30 March 2008
For the sake of the web this person and infact all people I dislike will be refered to as turnip.
This particular turnip has managed to annoy me throughout the last year.
This turnip also has to be the worst person in the world to talk to members of the oppisite sex as they cannot say anything truthful, or infact anything worthwhile without trying to control them and force them into something they may not wish to do (this is not just refering to sex).
The turnip has a way of making everything about anyone else unfair or dishonest but when it comes to themselves everything is perfect and honest, but recently I hope people have been seeing them in thier real light...
Could you please stop spreading unnesccary rumours and lies, you are destroying peoples friendship.
This is about one person. I love the rest of you ^_^
OK firstly...
now those jokes are out my system
*only 6 people including me will get those jokes*
last night was fecking awesome and today better so thankyou...
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Leaving for work in 5 minutes
I will try to blog later but I cannot prommise
Friday, 28 March 2008
*turns round*
thinks" oh that's on fire"
*turns back round*
*runs to get extinguisher*
*puts fire out*
*continues on with normal life*
wow 50th blog im that sad
should be doing product design coursework and should have been since I got home but well youtube distracted me!
I have to leave soon so its kind of stupid me starting up again I will just do it after physio
oh hold on radio recording oh well
Thursday, 27 March 2008
I found that red one.
The one that makes everything make sense.
The one that means so much to me.
The one that's now round my neck.
It represents my past.
It represents me.
But it will be a huge part of my future.
The simplest things can make you happy mines a red guitar pick I just found that was my best friends its put everything into context.
I feel so happy.
Banana Pancakes
Smarties-Got eaten
Piece of paper- Got drawn on then eaten
Lego-I now have a cool house on my desk
Red bull-Got drank then crushed by a mad Dex to assert power on the Lego people.
Camera-Out of battery's
So I'm trying to teach myself banana pancakes by Jack Johnson on Deliah and its not an easy task
I have a lesson in half hour, bugger, I will try to learn it by tomorrow....
A small list of things
Smarties, a piece of paper, lego, red bull, camera, guitar and Dex.
This will be interesting.....
but what will be the result?
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
simade stop being such a xomma
simade is not a person more of a noise like huzzah
xomma is a typo on comma and now an offensive term used against people
a bit of randocity
don't like it?
sue me!
Its been filmed and now on youtube
Written my latest video idea, just waiting for my brother to bugger off so I can film it and put it up....
coursework was on time and complete
woo! for last minute rushes.
Just did it now I have 5minutes to print it* doing now* and run like hell to college..
Hannah Montana and work
1604 words now done.
All I can hear is Hannah Montana becuase my brother is off school today having fallen off his bike yesterday, let me tell you it is the most annoying thing to be listening to when your trying to work.
I cannot use loft due to builders being in the way.
Bugger it just under an hour left and 400 at least more words to write.
Yet another blog
1069 words
only 2000-3000 more to go
I wrote in excess of 3000 words last night in 2 hours and now I need to do it again for something different but now rather than having all night to do it, I have 2hours and that's it plus last night I had thought most of it out. I'm making this up as I go along.
I'm on a break at the moment, I need breaks whilst I work, or I go bOoM!
I'm going to attempt to sort out mobile blogging tonight.
I'm doing English coursework due in at 11:10
I was meant to do it last night but did something else.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
My xomma is better than yours,
My xomma is bigger than yours,
My xomna is cooler than yours.
Confused yet?
Insults made of juice
dexter is a man whore man whore man whore dexter is a man whore BUT at least he's not a bore dexter like men men men men men men dexter likes men men (err..) men men men? dexter is a nutter nutter nutter dexter is a nutter eating pea...nut.....BUTTER!!
steff likes cats cats cats cats cats steff likes cats She covers them in fat steff likes pink bras pink bras pink bras steff likes pink bras shes wears them on the outside steff is a slut slut slut steff is slut that takes it up the butt!
dex likes bikes dex likes bikes see how he rides see how he rides rings the bell to warn the kids gets carried away and then he skids (marks) dex likes bikes dex likes bikes
steff likes sex steff likes sex see how she screams see how she screams makes alot of noise and wakes her parents with the boy next door
if you go down to the woods today ur sure of a big surprise if you go down to the woods today you wont believe your eyes for dex is there without a care having it off with jack dex moans and groans (from the sound of it jack has broke his back)
one two steff has a poo three four steff is sore five six steff licks dicks seven eight steff makes them straight nine ten steff had it then evelen twelve force a delve thirteen fourteen no time for courting fifteen sixteen shel do it in the kitchen seventeen eighteen shes really panting nineteen twenty hes all empty
list update
1) arranged recording for Friday
2) will do later in week
3) Doing after writing this
4) Have done and ive opted for the happy way.
5) Decided that I just want to be happy and wherever that takes me
6) Made jack smile and he did the same for me
7) Writing a post but will finish after the English coursework
yay for lists done alot more since writing one than I have all week
Ok ive decided that the only way I will feel better is if I make lists and tell myself when to get them done by....
so seeing as there's no time like the present by this time next week I want to:
1) Sort out the podcast
2) Start my novel planning
3) Have coursework out the way
4) Decided about "it"
5) Have done something about a plan for the future
6) Have made someone happy
7) Tell my friends how much each of them mean to me
If I need to add more I will and next Tuesday you will see a post of similar content of next week and how well I got on with it all this week.
Im here at the moment
If I don't speak here for a few days or seem kind of distant,
When I want to speak, I will, right now so much is going on and I just need a bit of time to think and sort my mind out, I need to change a develop again, its not going to be easy but its the only way I will keep myself happy, I wont change in the way I act, hell no! I love being myself, maybe just a few lifestyle choices that need to be looked at before they drive me insane.
I don't like life being complicated, but I love my life, so I'm just finding ways to make my life easier and basically re-jigging a few things so I feel better about myself.
I think, I will start setting myself goals so I can feel like my life is going somewhere, sure my laid back approach is more relaxed and easier but its leaving me feeling like I'm not really achieving anything.
Driver instructor still not turned up....
Oh and on last nights blog, I'm still not sure what to do but I think I will know later.
I'm now only sat at my laptop to charge my phone and I-pod I'm going to need some Jack Johnson later on today, I'm incredibly bored yet more waiting, I still hate it just to say.
I'm writing this as its something to do rather than waiting at the window, staring out at the road waiting for a black ford fiesta with stickers all over it. No-ones online mostly because they have college unlike me as I have the day off may see someone later though, catch up and generally take the piss out of each other.
No 30s a quickie
Vroom Vroom lesson soon, on my day off,
Just hope I get to see that person later should help me focus and relax.
Monday, 24 March 2008
Exploding all over my living room
I'm done with yet more button bashing
I want it to be next Saturday im really looking forward to it and I don't want to do the week anymore, my ocds are getting worse, I've noticed over the last few days and they are destroying my creativity and my mood, I feel like im losing myself, that im beginning to become nothing more than a series of weird and wonderful quirks, I know I am a very odd person, one that people like to be around, likes to talk to but now.....
I want to sit down and just get rid of the one thing that's holding me back from being myself, but to do that I destroy myself.
I like my quirks, I like being odd, I like being me.
But I hate how I make myself feel, other people can make me happy with few words....
Along with the other things I have learnt about myself, on Friday I also noticed something else that has the potential to make me very very happy but yet I cant allow myself to do it, doing it is going against myself but so is not, I don't know what to do anymore.
*goes to explode in the living room*
thanks for reading please comment if you do I like seeing what people think
nearly throw up and then think its a good idea to
4 Girls fingerpaint
its not a good idea and has now put me off food for the rest of my life!!!!
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Keyboard wacking
I want to do something creative right now....
but lack any idea of to what,
Ive made music,
Ive made art,
Ive made videos,
Ive made poems and stories.
isdjfoiva gaehaugebiaehiuaggdsusdhusdhsdbndv dudkjaioew3iu9gi43ueifrh vou4 hwefifg waeyfgwewauofhiuwakafhiawuhfyiawh 8ghquwebvfbesvbfwh ih34wof hwo9wq7qutf93u20t9u805 u0u48ptu 32q.a a gjw goeh qeu[q ir w43q]4q tq
43 gq9 t4uq89g4woh8ot 4 q8woug80qhg4iq3ut084 h
that didn't help but it made me feel better......
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Friday post just abit late
A poem for everyone I know I hope everyone can relate to one.
Ever had the feeling that:
everything is falling apart around you?
everything you do is a mistake?
everything is too complicated?
everything hates you?
everything is there to upset you?
you have wasted your life?
you will never see that special person again, because now it is too late?
you will never meet someone special?
you will never be accepted?
you will always be laughed at?
your just a friend?
your being used?
your an idiot?
your being lied to constantly?
your being used as a game piece?
they don't want to see you?
they are really stabbing you in the back?
they hate you?
they mean the world to you but you don't to them?
they are seeing someone else?
you want to hurt them?
you have nobody?
you want to cry but don't know why?
you want to be alone?
you will always be bullied?
someone always lets you down at the last minute?
someone has hurt you?
someone wants to kill you?
someone is treating you differently?
someone will never leave you alone?
your ugly?
your not needed?
your just a pain?
your being stalked?
your not loved?
everything works out?
everything happens for a reason?
everything is too simple?
everything loves you?
everything is there to help you?
you have completed a hard task?
you have great memories?
you have the greatest person alive?
you have made friends?
you have made someone laugh?
your their best friend?
your help, made their day?
your knowledge made them smarter?
your always told the truth?
your in control?
they love you being around?
they are hurting themselves?
they want you?
they are just friends but you mean more to them?
they don't want to see anyone else?
you want to make them happy?
you have great friends?
you want to smile and don't care why?
you want to be around friends?
you are better than the bullies?
someone wants to see you but cant?
someone wants to make you happy?
someone needs you alive?
someone really cares about you?
someone is in love with you?
your face is a painting on a wall?
your presence makes people happy?
your personality makes people smile?
your smile makes someone happy?
your the world to someone?
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Respect your elders... THEY ROCK!!
"you enjoy studying people and thinking about what makes them behave as they do. Try to avoid being too analytical, though. You want to see people for who they are overall, not just as a series of habits and quirks."
I refuse to believe horoscopes as anyone can write them, but that sums me up very well. I love analysing people it helps me understand their lives same as why I like to hear they problems and try to help, making someone else happy makes me for me is the reason of life.
Also speaking to someone last night I realised that everyone has a different reason of life but my trip to the hospital today, which was complete hell, and speaking to a lovely old woman, bless her socks she did it to distract me, whilst I was waiting for my scan, I realised how much of my life I had already wasted, what the people I hadn't seen in while actually mean for me , and whilst talking to her I said the most profound thing ive ever seen and it was something that made her very happy.
"Life isn't a long journey, but its the longest one you will ever take, so enjoy it while it lasts."
She has lived through two world wars and was an amazing woman, she also reminded me of a promise I made to someone once, never to grow up and Steff, if you even read this, im glad to say I don't think I ever will. The same lady also made me realise your friends are the best thing that will ever happen to you and tell them how much they mean at any given moment, her husband was with her and when I nearly passed out from the injection he passed me a drink without even thinking, the older generations have the right frame of mind, they are generous, caring and wise, there's alot to be learnt from them.
So I thank my friends a hell of alot and am going to start showing affection to my closet, like the Europeans do....
and im making a promise to myself that when I can help someone I will because I think that is the way to a happy life.
For now bye
I hope I can cheer you up some way soon and I will add a contact email soon so anyone can talk to me should they need help or just a friend.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Well the Monday recording was incredible fun,
Editing was a slog though if im honest incredibly boring,
Going on until 2 in the morning,
It was madness,
I got it up in-time and the immediate feedback was good,
reassuring that my plan had worked,
As word spread and I ranted at people telling them to subscribe,
Which I will do more of at work tomorrow,
We have had 36 people listen to the show,
And almost every single one give good feedback.
my hard work paid off.^_^
also please click here so you can see my artwork,
im going to use in some of my coursework,
so it looks good.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Just had an absolutely amazing evening
Racing f1 cars by crashing them into each other
it surprisingly works very well and I came 2nd in the championship 20points adrift of mr shumacher
Fritz came 5th some bit below the guy infront.....
was very fun and she was very late home.....
Oh i did write this yesterday and posting it today but..
Im cheating and editing the post time...
Monday, 17 March 2008
So just got back from a hellish 2days and things are finally looking up
After having an argument with my best friend,
I fell into a trap of old emotions,
I wrote something with honest and good intentions,
She took it the wrong way,
(You where not a bitch,
I understand why,
But I think you understand now),
I'm still not sure how she feels,
But I know how I do,
after talking to an old friend last night I realised this,
I hope she's feels the same way or things will become awkward,
(if you take this the wrong way,
I want to be the one:
you come to for help,
you have fun with,
who lets you mess up my hair,
who's your muffin,
who makes you smile,
who's your best friend,
who you love spending time with,
who you can tell anything,
you play games with,
who you make beancake with,
the one you trust,
I Hope I am all of them,
and you feel the same for me,
If so, I love you,
it doesn't matter what situation we are in,
as long as we have them points above.
And now for the person who text me at half one today...
Thank you,
you text me at exactly the right time I needed that alot,
hopefully I will see you soon,
as after a small chat last night with someone,
I realised something very good and made me happy.
Then today I was given a huge decision,
I took the more stressful and stupid option,
but I know if I didn't I would have regretted it for my whole life.
But yet im really happy,
I think things are beginning to make sense again....
though so far today ive washed my hands 12times
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Chicken off bone on hands ):
d gsj
sgi se jg
I want to go wash hands but I know I wont stop.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Ok sat down for lunch today at work...
Ate my mars bar,
And someone came and joined (will not name as unfair on web)
he kept looking at me so we got chatting,
as you do,
thought nothing of it,
came back off lunch and got on with my job (doing nothing basically),
then the other guy came over to me and said
"Dex you know that hot emo guy he really likes you are you into him?"
My first reaction thought was no, im not gay,
but instead me being the cheeky little bugger said
"does he take cards?"
Of course I was joking but my rather dense colleague simply replied with
"Im not sure shall I go ask?"
but it made me laugh
im not gay
any gay guys that like
emos talk to me maybe I could set you up
Friday, 14 March 2008
In sainsburys with my mother I remembered I needed some energy drink, after having paid and stuff.
I went over to the energy drink section picked up some red bull and lucozade mmmmm ^_^
Then at the counter noticed the amazing smoking display behind the woman.
Now I don't smoke but I think its amazing how they can still sell something that on the packet says:
Smoking decreases fertility.
Smoking Kills.
Smoking causes lung cancer.
and my person favourite:
Smoking will lead to a slow and painful death.
The best bit about the last one is I said to myself, "So smoking is not a good way to commit suicide then".
There was more but I will share them on the radio show.....
I feel like making a video even though I should be doing one of the following:
1)English coursework.
2)Physics coursework.
3)Revising for either of the above.
4)Tiding the Office.
5)At college
6)Not Writing a blog.
But I want to make a video......
I wonder which will win....
Thursday, 13 March 2008
yep I really am bored
well I do it alot just no-one really sees it because I normally screw it up and throw it away
but now people get to see it?
my counter thing has gone up alot so I hope someone is looking at it
wow what a cool email picture:Just got sent it by djdownload thought id share it with the world.
Got to leave for work soon but first I must charge my ipod so whilst I wait I write, cos im cool/sad but hey im not bothered, I cant be bothered for work today is stock day which means endlessly putting out boxes which by the time we close customers will have moved to the wrong place so a pointless job really.
Why do we have to wait for things? Where-ever you wait there should be something else put on for you to do waiting with nothing else to do is insanely boring. Like I have 20minutes before I have to leave less by the time ive finished this but if I didn't write this I would be doing what?
Eating my yoghurt downstairs, most likely.
BUT that's not the point, I don't think I really have a point, do I?
gotta go work bai di bai!!
I want to be a toaster with legs,
I want to be a toaster with a tail,
I want to be toaster with eyes.
I want to be a toaster that can fly,
I want to be a toaster that can walk,
I want to be a toaster that can swim,
I want to be a toaster that can see.
I want to be a happy toaster.
Yeah back from physiotherapy made me think wtf???
Now im really worried about my shoulder.
But we will see what comes of that after my scan next week.
After that had a driving lesson really interesting and fun.
but when im just thinking about other things, yeah...
Clutches are evil little buggers only put in the way of driving so to irritate you until you simply just want to nuke the damn thing.
I've also bought a folder to put my creative stuff in it and organise my life a bit better, I will let you know how that comes along. I want to write more, its part of the reason I didn't sleep last night, not only was I thinking about someone, I found my Roald Dahl, Dr Seuss and Spike Milligan books, I cant think of any other books that I can truly sit there with anyone and be amazed by them I have my creative mindset and styles because of them. Since forever I have made stories,rhymes and poems because of how they made me feel. I am who I am and without their input, I would not have survived the last two years of my life. If ever I was down I would go read them so I felt four again they still make me laugh, smile and happy. It made me very happy reading through them last night but even happier when I thought about the people I know that would love to read them and the people that like me for my crazy random madness. Of course it made me think of a few things that hurt me but after thinking about it in physiotherapy whilst they poked and prodded me, I suddenly became happy again thinking of my worlds and animals, the characters I made in my mind.
I'm a big kid really, I don't care what anyone thinks about it because it makes me happy, I also know why what happened, happened now and that it was my own fault, I know I didn't mean it and its so stupid of me to throw something like that away, I cant explain in words what you mean to me and if im honest it wouldn't change anything, you know how I feel, you know me and I know I'm trying not to do it, I just hope that's enough.
This made me think of you.....
Monkey, Monkey,
Sitting in a tree,
Pulling funny faces,
Pull one for me,
Pull one for daddy,
Pull one for mum,
But when it comes to the teacher,
Turn round and show her your bum.
-Spike Milligan
Listening to: Jack Jhonson-Angel
One tired morning
15 Emails in 8 hours.
Physiotherapy in just over half hour.
I really cant be bothered someone kept me up last night it was nice to talk as I love talking to them and actually not their fault because I didn't sleep anyway.
Yeah got to go but later I will name my stuff......
Listening to: Blur-Song 2
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Naming of the stuff 1:
yay I have named some of my stuff:Guitar:
Deliah cos she's awesome and blue
Becky named it really.
Aloe vera plant:
Dr Spike-a-lot.
was this just an excuse to fill my blog with images?
Most likely...
Why shes makes me happy
[her: I just had to throw those pretzels away because after 3 days they taste funny]
[me:the dogs are having sex on my back
me: its not funny, there not even doing it right
her: backwards?
me: yep]
[her:I want to die whilst having sex
me: why
her: so I can have "had a good life but a better death" wrote on my gravestone
me: wont that emotionally ruin your partner?
her: no it was the best sex of our lives, so good it killed us]
Whats in a name?
I'm finding it hard to even bother coping with everything. To do like college work. I hate college I don't really enjoy my time there because I feel so alone. But then what would I do without it Its no lie I have hardly been this year but not solely because of hating it but because I have been unwell. I hate the idea of a routine I like to be able to do stuff as and when I want.
Work is pissing me off as well at the moment if im honest. Its sooooo bloody boring there is literally nothing to do, No customers, No stock to put out, Nothing to tidy so I stand around for 8 hours doing nothing. Then after the stores closed walk around and make it look like im tiding to satisfy my insane and rude manager.
I don't like procrastinating online but when there is interesting things to do online why wouldn't I? I fear that in a few years time everything will be so mundane and boring that I will just want to die. I like being random, I like being funny, I love being me. I just don't like the way the world is run. I hate college mostly because im so lonely but also because I only stayed because its what I had to do to go to university, the only thing I have always known I wanted to do, but now I feel like I have wasted two years of my life doing something I never really wanted to do, I realised it at the end of last educational year, but by then was too late to do anything about it, now the deadlines are so close and I just don't want to bother with anything I don't want to do anymore, but in the same sense I hate quitting, I have decided I will go to university if the offer still stands because of the reason I chose the foundation course in the first place, so I could see what university would be like without committing myself to a three year course. If I don't like it at the end of next year I can leave with something rather than nothing, if i had committed to the three year course and then dropped out....
But it leaves me with a problem should I leave at the end of next year and I think I should think about it now, I will need a job but I'm not one for working in a customer environment and would want a job within the creative industry so I need to start making a name for myself, I'm not sure how but im sure I will work it out soon....
yeah Its been on my mind alot recently and now I think I feel a million times better
No im not at work today because....
I feel like shit and just want to throw up,
I think it is the most boring job in the world, even if it pays well,
I hurt my bollocks and ribs in the period of the last 12 hours and have taken painkillers, which I very rarely do,
I need to think about stuff and have physiotherapy tomorrow which means I need to relax,
I have better stuff to do with my time,
Oh yeah and I think your a pillock.
*end of phone call*
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Realistically I have no idea what I want to do when I leave college
I'm not even sure I want to go to university or if I'm doing the right course whilst I'm there
I'm going to do mechanical engineering and have opted for a foundation year so i can change within engineering after the first year if I wish.
writing this makes me want to become a columnist and some of the creative writing Ive been doing recently makes me want to do some kind of novel/short story writing.
I have been drawing since I was born and would love to be an artist, along with radio and video work I just love being creative and want a career that reflects that but then why have I opted for a mechanical engineering degree? In my mind its a back up plan but if realistically i don't want to do this as a job why bother?
I really don't know what I'm going to say here today I normally write the title first but today I don't im not sure why I'm Just not going to put it there until ive finished.
Firstly I noticed why I like the people I do its because in each of their own special ways they protect me from myself and allow me to forget what's going on in my own life, the last few days have been the most awkward in the world ive felt fear for the first time in my life but its not a normal fear its one that fear I will lose my mind, I have reasons to be stressed about medical stuff but yet I simply disregard all of my emotions so that I can be there for all of my friends, some may say this is good as im being a good friend, and I hope it is because otherwise im wasting all of my energy and destroying myself, ive been in a much darker place before but under much more pressure and anger I guess really im just burning my mind over nothing and im scared of going down to that hole again, thanks for reading one person reading this makes me feel better but i will post another blog shortly as in properly today I started it earlier.
Sunday, 2 March 2008
"Press one if you want to report something missing or stolen, Press two for customer service, Press three for credit options” You press three. “Sorry Im Sorry I did not hear you make a choice please try again” You press three again. “Sorry I did not hear you make a choice please try again” You press three again. “Sorry I did not hear you make a choice please phone back later” You now only can hear a dial tone.
Sound familiar? Why is it that there is always a ridiculously huge gap between the options so that you end up making a cup of tea and have drunk half of it by the time the next option and you boiled the water in the pan not even in the electric kettle. However by the time you get to your option you’ve forgotten what you made the phone call for in the first place and end up hanging up anyway or it will have given you so many vague options that you will pick the wrong one and end up having to ring again.
I mean I am only having to top-up my mobile phone because the annoying thing keeps sending text messages while its in my pocket and calling people at ridiculous hours of the night without hanging up my credit has very quickly become a debt developing at such a rate it would rival Dubai’s percentage of expansion. Of course it has a keypad lock but that little key in my pocket has found a way to unlock my phone as soon as I put it in my pocket not to mention the fact the mobile is possessed. While I am texting Johnny, from round the corner up the road and round a few more corners telling him I will meet him at the station in half hour, my phone will suddenly text half a message to him, I wont notice continue hitting buttons then it will send the second half. But this means I get charged twice for sending one text because my phone is more intent on ripping me off than most bank managers.
By the time you have actually got anywhere with your phone call to top-up your phone you have got wasted so much time now you will have to run to the local supermarket to but some dinner. So you get in the car and drive off setting your sat nav to where you want to go and all you get is “recalculating” which basically means “I’m lost wait for me to work out where I am so I can tell you to do a left or right on this straight road”. By the time you get to the supermarket you will have to pay at the machine for your parking ticket. This is where I ask the god forsaken person that makes these ticket machines why does it always not like one of the coins you give it? They are perfectly the same as all the other coins but it never likes one and you never have any other change in order to pay the rest of the money.
After getting over the ticket dilemma using a pick axe and a large sledge hammer. Walk into the supermarket walking round the isles I notice certain little things that I need as in chicken, cheese then I notice a fire alarm I really need to replace my last one as I took a chainsaw to the last one. I don’t really think fire alarms would actually keep you alive at all they spend too much time going absolutely ballistic about silly little things like someone walking under it let alone burning your toast wow then it’s a psychopath with a siren. The problem is it spends all this time wasting your time and reducing its life span that when there is an actual emergency it will simply die. The mental patient will wake up and start screaming at you while you sleep but it will very quickly die and do one of those pitches down deaths then die and thus killing you. Although even if it did wake you, you wouldn’t be able to call for help because you’ll have no credit aren’t machines great….